Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Xmas gifts are an awesome thing

Yesterday I was finally allowed to open mine! After stealing it so many times I finally got to open it and play with it, but after a while I got tired and a fell asleep hehe. My owners had a really nice evening also, they unwrapped their gifts and also got two amazing sweaters from norway, which I had to sniff like crazy since I didn't know the smell, they were giggling and being happy, while I squeeked my toy around them hihi. What a beautiful xmas eve.
My sausage squeeking toy gift, I love it!

Tonight was family xmas dinner and lots of gifts and food was prepared. I couldn't taste any of the goodies since I am still on a diet, but I was such a good boy, I just layed down and slept under their chairs. Other dogs got gifts from my owners also, Lyra got a tiny football, Spot got a tiny hedgehog and Tara and Emma both got a bag of their favorite cookies, one bag for each. What a lovely evening it was. But I have to admit, the cutest thing was the little mushrooms which they baked. Magnus chose them from a picture, so once they were done they looked even cuter then in the baking books picture.
Mushroom cookies, that are just so cute and look so real.
And I have to admit, I didn't really hate wearing a tie tonight, since it made me look like a gentleman.

Being cute and playful on the chair

Trying to sniff what Magnus has in his hand hihi

Monday, 24 December 2012


'Tis the season to be jolly..how how how how how how how.

Christmas have arrived, and as we all know the smell of candy, tea and spruce trees is everywhere.
The town is covered with beautiful lights, which eluminate our late night walks and make my owners really cheerful. Unfortunatelly there is no more snow, so this christmas we will be dry and warm. The temperatures got really low but have climbed back up to 10 degrees plus today. Nice sunny day. All our gifts have been sent and many received, thank you everyone!

I have learnt how to play the piano in the living room, when trying to steal my gift from under the tree. Hihi. Ed and Liza are more interested in the ornaments, which they try and throw down on the floor and play with them, but my owners once again anticipated that and all our ornaments are plastic and unbreakable hehe. Once the sun goes down and it gets all dark, we turn on the lights on the tree and the lights around the apartment and enjoy the xmas spirit even more. This is our tree this year.

Most of our gifts have been sent up to the vineyards today, since some family members are very religious and celebrate xmas with their families, we will all reunite tomorrow and enjoy the dinner with Tara and Emma. We love this time of the year!

A few weeks ago, when it was still snow, we tested out my new fleece, and I just have to show how adorably silly I look in it haha, I hate it from the bottom of my heart, but it saves me from pain and frostbite. My owners still find it utterly cute though haha.

So yeah, that's me in the snow...only humans can be so cruel and dress me in something this silly and tell me it's good for me, which it is, but I bet wolfs would never wear this, and I consider myself the sofa version of a wolf...as long as I get my food served and I can sleep on the bed haha.

Happy holidays everyone!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Cakepops, snow and peach cookies

Yesterday it started snowing like crazy, so at around 23 o'clock we decided to go to the park and celebrate the winter. Noone was there, completely empty and freshly covered in white. We ran and played and threw snowballs for a while, then headed home and went to sleep.

Today, we decided to go up to the vineyards, we got on our winter gear, which makes us warm as if we are going on a polar expedition haha. I hate my coat, but it helps me so much, my body doesnt ache from snowballs that start forming on my fur. With the coat, it's only my head, ears and paws which get snow on, but it doesn't prevent me from diving into snow and playing around like I want too. And how I played, oh man, I was having fun! The snow was almost up to people's knees, which means a lot of jumping for me hihi.

I know my owners ordered me a new coat, made outta fleece, but still waterproof, I will hate it! But I bet it will make me feel good in the long run. But they think it is soooo cute. Hehe people.

Once we got up, all tired and warm from the walk, owners decided to test out some recipes and new edable colors. So we made cookies! So many good cookies, which I am not allowed to even taste. BOOO. But it is worth it if it will make me healthy.

Peach cookies and rumball cakepops we made hihi

Monday, 3 December 2012

Oh what a monday...

Early in the morning, around 5:30 Maja and I woke up, waking Mags up, asking if he felt that shake, and right after we felt a very hard shake and doors, windows and items vibrated for a few seconds. My first earthqueake! I have never felt it so strong, even tho it wasn't very strong, only about 3.9 Richter scale, I did bark and got a little frightened. After it was done, my owners made me sleep again and the day continued normally.

Untill a few hours ago, when our town joined in the protests which are going on around the country. Not to worry, my owners made sure we are all home safe and that I am not scared. The other towns have it worse of, but so far not much bad happened at our city hall. We did hear a huge bang earlier and I went into guard mode, but since then it's been quite quiet. If we were in Maribor things would be a bit diffirent, since they are burning the goverment buildings and there is a lot more police on the streets. Here in our town, its only the townhall being guarded and people are civilised and protesting in peace. Even if it got to be dangerous and riots broke out, we are still safe at home and nothing can happen, afterall it is people who are protesting the goverment and not other people.

On another note, today I got my new food, my very very expensive vetenary food, which got us a little present from the vets office. My first aid kit for dogs, amazing little package that includes everything needed if I get hurt. On fridays visit, we noticed the ears are cronically inflammed and since we really need to stop with drops and antibitiocs, the new vet examined me. She is specilised in dermathology and has told me I am going to get petted which she examined my armipits, ears and paws. Not so bad, the bad part is, she has now put me on a strict diet, no table food! None! I'd rather take drops then no yummy food, but...has to be done. Boo. So now for two months, I don't get any snacks, treats or yummy human food. I think Maja is more devostated then me, we have our little routine while eating. But we have to rule out food allergies once and for all. I did also get a new food storage box with the food, which has a lid that I have learnt to push open and steal a bit, if left a bit open, hihi.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Chef Pascal À la carte

Magnus is safely home, they did have a flat tire on the way, but managed to get home slowely and safely. The road was foggy, so they were extra cereful! I wasn't told he was comming home, so when he walked thru the dorr at 1am in the morning, i went crazy, barked, happy jumped and licked him completely. My Magsy was home. So I brought him toys and got him down on the floor to kiss him. I was soooooooo happy. I am complete now. Once we settled down, we had the late dinner that Maja and I were making, oven baked salmon and other goodies, which didn't intrest me so much hihi. I ate soooo much salmon, that pink fish is really one of my favorites! Amazing that xmas is coming, we spend so much time inside doing fun stuff, since it's dark fast and we already got spoiled with two unopened packeges from norway and cookies, which have a little crack on the box so we can steal a few out without opening the box and I got to taste one, yum yum yum hihi. Very soon we will put up a tree and put gifts under, and christmas will be here soon, cannot wait!!!

Today, after a long rest and some slacking we made home made pasta, Mags is like a kid with it, it's fun watching him roll those piles of dough and make them into yummy strings. I eat everything that falls on the floor before owners see it haha. I see it as I am doing good, since we won't need to vaccuum the floors hihi. Because I am not allowed to eat uncooked pasta, boo.

I am becoming quite the kitchen master chef to be honest, especially since we had to dry the pasta on the freezer, because there was so much of it. But I consider myself quite the cook and I will let the pictures speak for itself:

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Winter planting...

... has begun. I am so happy, I get to dig and get all dirty again. Of all the human work I consider planting things my favorite, second to it is weeding. I am very proud to bring back every root that people throw away hihi. Maja finally got a hold of her favorite tree nursery, due to floods they needed some time to recover afterwards, so she has ordered something none of us have ever seen before. A pink blueberry!

Our new pink blueberry, yum yum blueberry pie!

Her mom also got her 4 other blueberry sorts which she does not have, which means five holes to dig. Are you aware how dirty I will be, hihihhi I cannot wait yay. And the best part is when all six of these blueberries, including the one she already has, will give fruit, that will be so many cookies and pies my tummy will hurt hihi, going to be a good sweet year. And our little project, if u disregard the tiny avalanches which pull down the edges of the soil, is becoming a true healthy vitamin infused sanctuary. Which brings me to the second thing which arrived today. Magnus is not home yet, but he was kind enough to give Maja an early christmas gift. And many might not understand why this is special, but to enjoy life to the fullest, one must eat like a king everyday. So Magnus being sweet and kind, he got Maja a pasta maker machine. The one she wanted. And trust me, I have tasted the homemade pasta, it is absolutely deliscious! And now it will be done in a few minutes.
I have also learnt the diffirence in taste from Al dente and egg pasta. Not that I care much about pasta history, but it's good to know how Al dente isn't a style, but preparation where the dough is only water and flour, which I have to say isn't as good as the pasta with eggs instead of water, hihi just my preference, since I love eggs.
Our new pasta maker, hihi, let the learning beging
So today, we are walking up with the machine, and starting to test it out, I love this part. All the pasta will be tested by us doggies also, ofc! Missing Mags is not nice, but Maja gets borred when it's cold outside so she experiments with cooking, making me very happy indeed hihihihi. Today will be a good day, cannot wait for afternoon!

Saturday, 17 November 2012


 Not much has happened lately, no snow anymore, floods went away and cold but sunny days are back. We have been treating my ears with Beforex and Otomax for the past two weeks, hoping it will this time be better in both ears.

We had another vet's visit yesterday, but I was more interested in the toys they have in their shop then showing my ears to anyone, but I know it had to be done, so I showed them. We also took swipes of both ears, which showed one, this time the right ear has a little bit of a yeast infection, which isn't a surprise since the medication is so wet. But good news, it's very little and the left ear looks good.

We have stopped with Beforex today and will only continue with Otomax in the right ear untill we run out, once we do we need t go back and do another check up and hopefully that will be it hehe.

We made a few bird feeders and the birds are completely in love with them, they keep singing and bickering for their turn to feed. It's really magical and relaxing watching the birds with fat bellies sit a meter away from us.

The nature's colors are starting to change into my fur color, so I can completely camouflage myself in the woods on the walks. I have been working on my hunting sences, I actually managed to scare away a deer, but she was too fast for me hehe. Not that I would hurt any animal, oh no, that is just not allowed, but the exercise while chasing them is fun and good for me, however if I am called back to my owner, I must return no questions asked! And I do, hihi I am a good boy.

The season of planting has started, Maja already got a few blueberry bushes ready for when Mags returns and we can plant them together, which means digging, soil, mud and me being sooooo dirty again woohooo, cannot wait. Maja often refers to me as the dirtiest dog she has ever known, since I find it extremely fun to get really muddy and turn into chocolate color haha,but nothing a good bath wouldn't sort. The truth is, I am a fun loving guy, who has fun 95% of his time, the rest I sleep haha. But since my ears are so much better, I have been feeling a lot more energic then before, so I don't even bother to try and be clean lately. But with the new mostoriser for my fur, Maja has been quite happy with bathing me lately, since then I smell so nice for so long. I have to admit I am not the biggest fan but when it's just her and me, I know I cannot get away with begging Mags for help or hide behind him hehe. So it is done when she says it haha. Which isn't that hard, since she playing with me so much, it feels nice to give something back. Especially since we eat pancakes after hehe, or something equally yummy. I think I gained a little weight, according to vet's advices origano is great for yeast infections, it reduces the fungy in the system, so Maja and I have been sharing a few pizza crusts, hihi, something Mags would be very careful with giving me, he is quite the serious type when it comes to table feeding, like he should be, but Maja is completely weak and always shares hehe, she always said she never wants a dog with sad eyes, coz they can manipulate and what am i? I am the dog that makes the saddest eyes and yelps haha. But she is very strict otherwise so I guess I have it great. Well I know I do hihi.

Mags is soon home, and the winter will begin, and then it's christmas, yaaaay I already have a pretty red doggy tie which will make me look elegant and pretty. Cannot wait for all the baking to begin hihi.

This is where my owners will plant more trees soon
Confussing the cam who to zoom in hehe
My colors fit right in hihi

Monday, 5 November 2012

Sirens in the rain

A few days ago as the snow started melting, the rivers rose and Slovenia started being covered with smaller floods around the bigger rivers. Today, the rain begun to be more severe and for the first time in my life, I have heard the alarming sirens blowing, informing people that floods are comming and people should move to safety. Quite a frightening feeling, that sharp sound. Once the rain stopped a little Maja and I went out to check our local rivers, see how close to the edge of the river beds they actually are. I wasn't the only doggy in a raincoat hihi.

Once we got to the start of the promenade, there were so many people with umbrellas there we couldn't really see. I was nervous but curious. We walked to the edge, which was almost flooded. The local river has risen to the point of spilling. And then the rain started again.

The news is reporting record river flows in this country, and worst i yet to come, with Austrian dams being unable to hold water. The biggest river in Slovenia has an avarage flow of 1300m3 per second, at the moment it is flowing with 2000m3 per second and destroying what ever it meets. It is reported to expend to 2900m3 per second soon.

It is weird, when we woke up it was almost sunny and 20 degrees outside, preparing to be a nice warm day and then it turned to disasterous. It is sad to see the houses being flooded, but atleast the cattle and other farm animals have been evacuated from most flood places hihi.

We will be safe no matter what, in ancient times people built houses on hills and rocks, aware of natural powers and the damage the nature is able to do. So in the old center, we are dry and far from water. But a long time ago, before I was even born there was a catastrophic flood in our town, which flooded cellars, the hospital, morgue and everything it could get into. So hopefully this wont happen again.

Maja went to the store to buy me water in bottles, in case of polluted water alert, where the water from tap needs to be boiled pre use. When she came to the store, the water bottle shelfs were empty, the people of the town are aware of what is comming and have bought out supplies before hand. She did however manage to get the last six pack of them so the cats and me will drink safe water hihi.

A few pictures of the river state at 5 o'clock today.
Water is to the edge
No matter the catastrophe, I am still posing pretty hihi
Bridge to the big park, 2 sets of stairs under water
Never seen so many people in the park before

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Snow and the damage done...

Like many countries in the world, ours also got hit quit blizzards and snow. The floods are extreme, the damage done from snowbreak severe. But that didn't stop us from enjoying the snow, even though in our town it is not that bad with floods yet.

We set out to test our winter gear and my new Hurtta coat, which my owners got me, I hate putting it on but I love having it on when it's snowy outside. It prevents my fur from becoming iceballs and I am allowed unlimited snow play hihi.

Maja and I got dressed up, and decided to walk to the winyards on the freshly white colored streets. Once we go to the forest which leads us all the way up to them, we encountered many obsticles. There were so many trees that fell, branches all over. Sadly we forgot our camera, but we went up again today and took pictures to show what has happened in the past few days. The snow is still melting but the damage is done.
The start of the path

Looking down to where we came from

Trees ripped out of the ground and me being pretty in coat hihi

Three trees one under another, falling

Manmade bridge on the path, soil avalanched down

But shockingly, our little project didn't take any damage. Yet. We are a bit scared the soil will fall once the snow starts melting. But for now, its just an awesome doggy playground hihi.
Emma jumping from the rhododendron plataou
Snowman Pascal

Happy dogs in snow, all the barks mean one word: SNOWBALL, SNOWBALL, SNOWBALL, hihi.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Too many ears...


Today we went to the vet, I was realy panicky, since we went into the office where we were water washing my ears a month ago, bad memories don't go away. But eventually I showed my pretty ears and we saw that the left ear, which was without the eardrum, has almost completely healed, but the day wouldn't be complete without some bad news.

The infection has spread to my right ear, but, it is minimal and we are now treating that one also.
I hate the ear drops, however this ones are more solid and not so annoyingly watery. the good news is we will not continue with pills after I am done with the last two, so tomorrow is the last day.

Maja did treat me to some yummy food, which we all love so I am very happy about that, but today was very stressful and I am very tired. I am prone to allergies and my ears are the ones who get affected most. We do not know what the allergy is, but if I am as awesome as I am, this treatment will be done soon and I will be great. Hihi.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Smells like snow...

Winter is comming, we can smell it in the air, the leaves are colored yellow and the forests are starting to become naked. The weather is very unbalanced, yesterday it was so cold and foggy, we couldn't see far ahead, but today it's sunny again and warm. They are annuncing snow this weekend, wonder if it will happen. I am ready for winter, I have the new Hurtta overall coat, which hides most of my body from the cold, but it would be more fun if Magnus was here for the first snow, since him and I throw ourselfs on the ground and make snow angels. Well he does, I just jump on him and bark and we roll in the snow haha. Magnus is working in Norway again, but this time for only a few weeks, so I am not too sad, tho it was hard the first day. I have however taken advantage of his side of the bed, streching out completely when I sleep, being joined by Ed and Liza.

Sadly Maja and I weren't able to drive him to the airport, since I am ill and unable to receive the rabies shot untill my ear is healed and I am of the antibiotics, which ofcourse meant I wasn't able to go o another country at the point of his departure.

Yesterday at the vet's office, it was confirmed my eardrum has healed 80%, but we need to go back tomorrow, to decided on further treatment or if we are stopping with the pills. Ofcourse to my dislikeness we do have to continue with the annoying liquid antibiotic, which I really hate and now I have to get my other ear cleaned everyday till tomorrow also. Boo. But I am healthy and we were really lucky, many dogs die due to the infection spreading to the brain and I cannot complain if it's a little uncomfortable being in treatment.

Will update tomorrow on how the vet's decided, till then, we are going to take advantage of the sunny day yay.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Capital and fungy

Saturday we decided to go for a little roadtrip and drove to our capital Ljubljana. We walked the crowded streets and enjoyed the sights. I passed so many doggies which were politely walking next to their owners in the crowds of tourists and locals. I was really behaved and people adored me. Waiters in pubs we sat in always asked if I wanted water, or they  just brought me some fresh drinks in plastic wraps. Really nice of them hihi. And I also made a political statement by pooping on the lawn of the official goverment building haha.

The statue we were sitting at was tributed to the slovenian most famous poet, who also wrote the national hymn. It is situated in the old town, right next to the triple bridge, a beautiful creation of one of the most talented architects.

Drinking in the park

 Today, we had our vet visit, the moment of truth was here. We hoped for good news, and we were lucky! We have managed to get my eardrum to start healing back, it has covered the area where it used to be, but I also have a fungy infestion due to the liquid antibiotic, so we had to start another round of pill antibiotics to prevent more problems. Truthfully, if fungy is the only bad side effect then we are lucky. So we are very happy, I seem to be getting a lot better energy wise, no pain, but I do have a bit of indigestion due to the medication and maybe less stamina on walks. Atleast the infection has not spread to the brain and the swlling went down, but untill we end the treatment we won't know if any fungy is behind the healed eardrum. So far it's been amazing healing so we will cross our fingers and hope for the best for the next visit, which is in ten days.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Quick update

No side effects, no problems so far. Painkillers are out and I feel great. I have so much energy and feel so amazing I just want to run and play and be crazy hehe. But ofcourse I am not allowed to bathe or swim yet, so that isn't fun. I have been a little bit more edgitated at times tho, and I am very annoyed fast in some situations, but my owners think it's probably discomfort so we are not yet conserned about it. So far so good. We are happy and I am loved. Oh yes, let's not forget to mention how I am able to manipulate with my owners right now, since they feel bad for me hehe, I make them play with me at night if I cannot sleep hihi. But we are having fun. Very glad I am getting better, I cannot imagine what it would do to my owners if I didn't.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Bad start...

but hopefully a great ending.

Maja wakes up earlier today, even though we had quite a fitness day yesterday. Emma, Magnus, Maja and I went all around the local forests to find mushrooms and we found seven! In our neighbours forest, 150 meters from where we plant stuff. What a fun day that was. But today, when she woke up she got all weird and started checking me out. I had my eyes swallen, sometimes I get them like that but it lasts 3 minutes and then goes back to normal, but today my left eye was very droopy. She got worried and tried to make me better and distract me, but everytime I sat down or layed down the eyes swell up again. Something was wrong. I was in pain. My owners were out of the bed like a speeding bullet and started getting dressed. I saw the seatbelt harness. Time for a drive. Boo no fun ride today though, it was driving towards the vetenerians office, but the cab ride was fun hihi. When we arrived, I was so scared already, but lucky for me, most of the vets weren't there so we had to come back three hours later at 1 pm. We walked to the first mall to catch a cab home, but my eyes were swelling so much I could barely walk. When we arrived home, I wasn't allowed to get breakfast, I didn't like that! Very scary seing me all swallen and droopy like the pictures below.

Eye swelling with semi closed eyes

Eye swelling with open eyes

Time was 12:50 and my owners put on the seatbelt again, took a blanket and we walked down, where a cab was awaiting us. We drove back to the vets and I was at this point beyond scared, I was acting really frightened and didn't want to see anyone in green clothes. But stubborned and persistance wins, 1:0 owners hihi. At first the debates were serious, they suspected many diseases, nevrological disorders and even jaw bone problems. I can't yawn properly and I refuse to chew with my last teeth, so our biggest scare was nevrological problems which require heavy procedures and have a minimal chance of healing. Owners stood still listening. Me, I just wanted to run away and get the hell out of there. Hehe. But eventually I did calm down enough for my pretty leg to be a little shaved and the vet dr.Rok to draw blood, so we waited for the hematological analysis (fancy word for auch it pokes blood work hihi) and took a 20 minute walk around. Still no food for me, boo. Not even a cookie!

When we came back, the blood tests showed an infection/inflammation. Liver, heart, kidney all good though hihi. So we said "okay lets get this tests started" and I got poked into my butt again with a needle. This time with something that was making me quite happy and sleepy. Magnus asked how long it took a dog to get completely asleep and the vet said it takes from 5 - 15 minutes, depending on how scared the dog is, it took me 25 minutes to doze of haha. Oh yes! I don't give in that easily hehe. After that, the boys took x-ray pictures of my head and when done, Maja came back in. Me, I still reacted to her comming in and wiggled my tail, even though I was alseep and out haha. Maja got happy and when noone was around she sang to me like she does at home when she tries to calm me down, always works haha.

While waiting for the x-ray pics we checked out the ears again and this time properly since I usually don't allow them being checked. And the left ear (remember my left eye had the biggest swelling) was really dirty all the way inside, as if there was a huge wax cap over my eardrum, so they decided to try and clean it out while we wait for the pics. After a while, the ear still being stubbernly dirty and clogged the x-rays came back and shoved a jaw joint abnormality, but after the ear being as it was, we suspected it was where the infection/inflammation was located, so the vetenerians kept trying to clean it out. Ofcource me being me, I fought of the big dose of narcosis and woke up haha, so here we go again, another shot of drugs please haha.

Finally after half an hour again, I was out. In they come with tools and more equipment. Flushing out my ear with liquids and sucking out the liquid again and new dose in and so on...Many hours later, in fact 2 hours later, we managed to get the "cap" which was hidding the drum. But..
Dog ear anatomy

There was almost no more ear drum left, it had been perforated and destroyed by the infection. I was pronunced semi deaf on left ear. If not completely. Problem was the infection and the choice of antibiotics, since my tympanic membrane was almost gone and many antibiotics melt the cochlea, we had to get a handmade mix of a proper antibiotic to flush the ear with for the next few weeks. On top of that antibiotics which I have to eat. A good sign was I had apetite when we came home, even with yucky sedation I wanted dinner. I ate what they gave me, ofcourse it was yummy with a tablespoon of tuna and my food. I ate it all like a champ haha. Good signs are welcome!
My ear drum is nearly gone, not just ruptured

So what happens now, you might wonder. Here it goes...If the antibiotics dont work and the infection spreads, it will spread to the brain and we know where that leads, but before you worry, that is the absolute worst scenario, which my owners refuse to hear of. So lets go again: if on the 1st of october, when we have the check up, the ear is same we will try again, with something diffirent, we will try everything and anything, there is a huge chance my hearing comes back, the eardrum heals and regrows and I will be just great. Which will be the case! But for the next few weeks my life will be borring, no swimming, no diving, nothing I love...but also no bubblebaths yay! I have to keep the ear dry and happy.

...A few minutes ago I woke up and was crying on the bed, and my owners came to me, afraid I was in pain (even though Maja insisted on getting painkillers for the next three days, just in case!) but it was not pain, it was shame! I peed myself, I didn't mean too and didn't do it on purpose, but since I was pumped with drugs today all my muscles and functions aren't quite there yet. I was really sad that is happened. My owners asked me if I wanted to go out to pee and poop, even though it was raining, I barked, so we stuffed cotton pads into my ear to prevent the water getting in and went out in the rain (probably not the best but what can you do, if you gotta go you gotta go). And what do you know, I peed like a hero outside, came home and started runing around, playing with toys and no balance problems or pain. Happy! Now I am asleep on the fresh bed, with Mags next to me snorring, perfect ending of a bad day. Hopefully my ear is already healing and tomorrow will be better.

PS: Apperently I have a really long ear canal, hihi, ofcourse I do, I'm a big boy and everything about me is oversized haha.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

So much has been happening...

..but to start from the begining. A week and a half ago Magnus arrived in Austria, where we drove to pick him up. I was so happy to see him that the video we made of me licking, kissing, barking and playing with him is too big for the blog haha. I was so happy he was back, I missed him so bad. First few days we took is easy, since Mags was a little ill, but then Maja and I started getting him back into our routine. We took him for long walks, where he was so tired after poor guy haha. And we also went up to the vineyards to work. After the heavy rain one of the security pillars broke and a piece of the project got broken off, but nothing we wont be able to repair. So we have quite a few busy days ahead. The owners went shopping and left me alone, but when they came home, I got a sheep toy and an Ice age sloth toy, which I absolutely love!
My borrowed throne
   Today was a fun day, early in the morning we got a call that the new seat and sofa are arriving. So we put the cats in the kitchen and opened all the front doors. After we assembled the sofa and the chair, owners put on the new blankets and pillows. Liza instantly fell in love with them, me...I kinda took hostage Maja's chair hihi. There is no king without a throne, and this one is mine...when Maja isn't there hihi.
The soft seating makes us all so lazy, and it is very hot outside again, about 30 degrees, so we are considering it a reason to slack and lay about hehe.
Magnus is snorring on the sofa and Maja, Liza and I were watching national geographic, which played Cesar Millan Dog Whisperer.

Not a bad start of the day
We were proud when we saw our only tiny honeymelon was ripe. We didn't think anything would come of it, but when we cut it and tasted it, it was very yummy. Even for me, who doesn like honeymelons. But one needs to see what I am writting about.
Tiny, but sweet

Suprisingly perfect
Now the only thing we are still waiting for to taste it, is our cute watermelons, which Mags had to weight with his hands to see it for himself.
Maja's pride this summer
There is so much happening lately, that we barely have time to update, so don't be sad if it takes a few days before we update:). Going to go to the living room and have a snorring duet with Mags hihi.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Crab business...

...is serious business. Hihi. But to begin with my day. We overslept our alarms and woke up at 10, so it was a bit hotter then we wanted it to be. But we packed the iPad and our waters and left the house, the temperature outside was high already, but we still went. Maja keeps checking my head if I am running in the sun, so I don't get too hot. But before we knew it, jumping from shade to shade where there walked, we were in the forest. Hadn't met any animals, but we could hear them all over. We made one big stop, to drink and relax, we figured it was smart with the air being this hot. When we arrived, I just layed down under the kitchen table and listened to the people talking. After a while, Maja and I headed down to the forest to water our veggies and plants. I got to play with the hose again, spraying it all over me, making me unimaginably dirty hihi. Love it! But it was lunch time so we had to go back up and eat, no complaints there hihi.

Lunch over so it's time for some serious work, we took a metal pot with us so we could make a little pool for birds or animals to drink from, with fresh water from our brook. It's a tiny brook, with cold fresh water, which get's very dry during summer, but there is always water in it. As we started digging out a path in the water, we got greeted by a freshwater crab! Never saw a crab before. Maja held it up for me so I could sniff it, but eh...it smelled like water and mud. But not as bad as me hihi. I was told to be gentle and slow around it, so we don't hurt it...and I was.
Mr. Crab

Me walking so slow to it that he is not even in the pic hihi

Respecting eachothers space
After we gathered enough water in the semi called pool we made, we put it in so it got cooled and refreshed, but we took him out in case he wanted to go to his "home", since the brook's water wasn't flowing thru the pool and onwards to the forest yet.  Maybe he will be in the pool next time we go check. After the meeting with crab, we started clearing out the forest, we set free the baby spruce trees by cutting older invasive branches of other trees around, we worked hard, for about 6 hours. We were exhausted, but we had to water the plants again, since today was 36 degrees they needed a little more then usual. After everything was watered enough to last two days, we headed back up to put things we used away, the tools and gloves needed to be in their place for next time we go work hihi. We made a few pictures and I look pretty as usual hihi.
Checking out watermelons, wanting to play with them hihi

Water hose + watermelon mulch = proof on ears and beard;)
Playing with the next best thing, unripe apples
Just posing coz I am cute hihi
I am the best digger in the wolrd!
Tilting head for uber cutness hihi.

Once we sorted everything, we started walking down, I was chasing around the pinecone I found and once we got to the road, we met a squirrel up on a nut tree, she was a loud eater! Hihih. She ran away with her huge nut, tiny body and very fluffy tail, kept making chewing sounds though haha. By the river with met Flor, who wasn't as happy to see me as I was to see her, but I know better then to annoy the lady. Dinner was gone superfast and then I just...fell asleep.