Thursday, 22 November 2012

Winter planting...

... has begun. I am so happy, I get to dig and get all dirty again. Of all the human work I consider planting things my favorite, second to it is weeding. I am very proud to bring back every root that people throw away hihi. Maja finally got a hold of her favorite tree nursery, due to floods they needed some time to recover afterwards, so she has ordered something none of us have ever seen before. A pink blueberry!

Our new pink blueberry, yum yum blueberry pie!

Her mom also got her 4 other blueberry sorts which she does not have, which means five holes to dig. Are you aware how dirty I will be, hihihhi I cannot wait yay. And the best part is when all six of these blueberries, including the one she already has, will give fruit, that will be so many cookies and pies my tummy will hurt hihi, going to be a good sweet year. And our little project, if u disregard the tiny avalanches which pull down the edges of the soil, is becoming a true healthy vitamin infused sanctuary. Which brings me to the second thing which arrived today. Magnus is not home yet, but he was kind enough to give Maja an early christmas gift. And many might not understand why this is special, but to enjoy life to the fullest, one must eat like a king everyday. So Magnus being sweet and kind, he got Maja a pasta maker machine. The one she wanted. And trust me, I have tasted the homemade pasta, it is absolutely deliscious! And now it will be done in a few minutes.
I have also learnt the diffirence in taste from Al dente and egg pasta. Not that I care much about pasta history, but it's good to know how Al dente isn't a style, but preparation where the dough is only water and flour, which I have to say isn't as good as the pasta with eggs instead of water, hihi just my preference, since I love eggs.
Our new pasta maker, hihi, let the learning beging
So today, we are walking up with the machine, and starting to test it out, I love this part. All the pasta will be tested by us doggies also, ofc! Missing Mags is not nice, but Maja gets borred when it's cold outside so she experiments with cooking, making me very happy indeed hihihihi. Today will be a good day, cannot wait for afternoon!

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