Maja wakes up earlier today, even though we had quite a fitness day yesterday. Emma, Magnus, Maja and I went all around the local forests to find mushrooms and we found seven! In our neighbours forest, 150 meters from where we plant stuff. What a fun day that was. But today, when she woke up she got all weird and started checking me out. I had my eyes swallen, sometimes I get them like that but it lasts 3 minutes and then goes back to normal, but today my left eye was very droopy. She got worried and tried to make me better and distract me, but everytime I sat down or layed down the eyes swell up again. Something was wrong. I was in pain. My owners were out of the bed like a speeding bullet and started getting dressed. I saw the seatbelt harness. Time for a drive. Boo no fun ride today though, it was driving towards the vetenerians office, but the cab ride was fun hihi. When we arrived, I was so scared already, but lucky for me, most of the vets weren't there so we had to come back three hours later at 1 pm. We walked to the first mall to catch a cab home, but my eyes were swelling so much I could barely walk. When we arrived home, I wasn't allowed to get breakfast, I didn't like that! Very scary seing me all swallen and droopy like the pictures below.
Eye swelling with semi closed eyes |
Eye swelling with open eyes |
Time was 12:50 and my owners put on the seatbelt again, took a blanket and we walked down, where a cab was awaiting us. We drove back to the vets and I was at this point beyond scared, I was acting really frightened and didn't want to see anyone in green clothes. But stubborned and persistance wins, 1:0 owners hihi. At first the debates were serious, they suspected many diseases, nevrological disorders and even jaw bone problems. I can't yawn properly and I refuse to chew with my last teeth, so our biggest scare was nevrological problems which require heavy procedures and have a minimal chance of healing. Owners stood still listening. Me, I just wanted to run away and get the hell out of there. Hehe. But eventually I did calm down enough for my pretty leg to be a little shaved and the vet dr.Rok to draw blood, so we waited for the hematological analysis (fancy word for auch it pokes blood work hihi) and took a 20 minute walk around. Still no food for me, boo. Not even a cookie!
When we came back, the blood tests showed an infection/inflammation. Liver, heart, kidney all good though hihi. So we said "okay lets get this tests started" and I got poked into my butt again with a needle. This time with something that was making me quite happy and sleepy. Magnus asked how long it took a dog to get completely asleep and the vet said it takes from 5 - 15 minutes, depending on how scared the dog is, it took me 25 minutes to doze of haha. Oh yes! I don't give in that easily hehe. After that, the boys took x-ray pictures of my head and when done, Maja came back in. Me, I still reacted to her comming in and wiggled my tail, even though I was alseep and out haha. Maja got happy and when noone was around she sang to me like she does at home when she tries to calm me down, always works haha.
While waiting for the x-ray pics we checked out the ears again and this time properly since I usually don't allow them being checked. And the left ear (remember my left eye had the biggest swelling) was really dirty all the way inside, as if there was a huge wax cap over my eardrum, so they decided to try and clean it out while we wait for the pics. After a while, the ear still being stubbernly dirty and clogged the x-rays came back and shoved a jaw joint abnormality, but after the ear being as it was, we suspected it was where the infection/inflammation was located, so the vetenerians kept trying to clean it out. Ofcource me being me, I fought of the big dose of narcosis and woke up haha, so here we go again, another shot of drugs please haha.
Finally after half an hour again, I was out. In they come with tools and more equipment. Flushing out my ear with liquids and sucking out the liquid again and new dose in and so on...Many hours later, in fact 2 hours later, we managed to get the "cap" which was hidding the drum. But..
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Dog ear anatomy |
There was almost no more ear drum left, it had been perforated and destroyed by the infection. I was pronunced semi deaf on left ear. If not completely. Problem was the infection and the choice of antibiotics, since my tympanic membrane was almost gone and many antibiotics melt the cochlea, we had to get a handmade mix of a proper antibiotic to flush the ear with for the next few weeks. On top of that antibiotics which I have to eat. A good sign was I had apetite when we came home, even with yucky sedation I wanted dinner. I ate what they gave me, ofcourse it was yummy with a tablespoon of tuna and my food. I ate it all like a champ haha. Good signs are welcome!
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My ear drum is nearly gone, not just ruptured |
So what happens now, you might wonder. Here it goes...If the antibiotics dont work and the infection spreads, it will spread to the brain and we know where that leads, but before you worry, that is the absolute worst scenario, which my owners refuse to hear of. So lets go again: if on the 1st of october, when we have the check up, the ear is same we will try again, with something diffirent, we will try everything and anything, there is a huge chance my hearing comes back, the eardrum heals and regrows and I will be just great. Which will be the case! But for the next few weeks my life will be borring, no swimming, no diving, nothing I love...but also no bubblebaths yay! I have to keep the ear dry and happy.
...A few minutes ago I woke up and was crying on the bed, and my owners came to me, afraid I was in pain (even though Maja insisted on getting painkillers for the next three days, just in case!) but it was not pain, it was shame! I peed myself, I didn't mean too and didn't do it on purpose, but since I was pumped with drugs today all my muscles and functions aren't quite there yet. I was really sad that is happened. My owners asked me if I wanted to go out to pee and poop, even though it was raining, I barked, so we stuffed cotton pads into my ear to prevent the water getting in and went out in the rain (probably not the best but what can you do, if you gotta go you gotta go). And what do you know, I peed like a hero outside, came home and started runing around, playing with toys and no balance problems or pain. Happy! Now I am asleep on the fresh bed, with Mags next to me snorring, perfect ending of a bad day. Hopefully my ear is already healing and tomorrow will be better.
PS: Apperently I have a really long ear canal, hihi, ofcourse I do, I'm a big boy and everything about me is oversized haha.
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