Past few weeks have been quite calm and relaxing, we enjoyed the temperatures going down, but they didn't really go down a lot, it was still summer weather and too hot for us to continue digging at the project. The drought has been destroying the countries crops and flowers whole summer, and we only had a few drops f rain in a few weeks. Not enough to even consider the plants being watered. With all this heat and no rain, the hornets and wasps became dangerous. There were warnings in the news how it could be leathal if one stung a person in their lips or tongue, even if they weren't allergic.
Hornets |
Maja got really scared of them this year, since we have so many fruit trees, which is where they start to feed once fruits are ripe. All of the sudden there were so many of them everywhere. Problem with hornets is, if they want to attack you, they will and if you try and get rid of them and you fail, they will gather their troops and come at you in huge numbers. They started attacking the bees and bumblebees, killing so many tiny insects also, horrible. So we built traps, plastic bottles with sugar water. They work! A day after we planted those traps and caught many in them, the bumble bees and other furry cute insects returned to gather pollen safely. We could never hurt animals, but these hornets really multiplied and present a real danger for both Maja and me. Their poison is so extreme since it's so hot, we could die from being stung by one. And that, that is just not something we want to play with. So traps it is, sadly.
We have our allergy testing on monday, which we are a little nervous about. Hopefully we will find out what I am allergic to, or atleast what I am not allergic too, since my problems need to be sorted, my poor ears every year suffer due to something. We will update with the results ofcourse hihi.
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