First things first, there is a new addition to the street where we walk almost everyday. The old Timi died due to liver and kidney failure, he was old and weak for a few years, but it's always sad when one of us has to go. However due to our selfish reasons (he is adorable as a button!!!), we are very happy his owners decided to get a new dog, one just must have a fluffy creature next to them. This boy is about 2 and a half months old, he is childish, ful of energy and cute! We kiss, then we bark, then we growl, then we kiss again and repeat the entire thing over and over, haha. He wants to play but he needs to stop being afraid first, he is scared of everything poor tiny thing, however when he needs to chew or destroy something, fear does not exsist. Here is a picture we took of him destroying the driveways grass haha.
Supercute! |
Second thing is, all three of us dogs have a bad case of indigestion, reason being - fruit! We play with apples and other fruits that fall on the floor and then ofcourse being dogs we chew them up. So our butts are a little bit explosive haha, Tara has it worst, she really over did it, hehe. But owners are giving us rice and preventing us from chewing fruit which isn't ripe yet, and that should solve the problem. But me...oh I am so obsessed with plums! I love them, I could eat all the plums in the world and not care about my tummy! Maja got mad at me, since she is scared I might have problems if I swallow plum seeds, so I bring them to her and she opens the sugary ones and feeds them to me. I love plums! The old wild plum tree we have at our garden project is now releasing all the ripe ones, they are tiny so humans dont really like them, but..More for me hihihi. I don't often let go of sticks I carry around, but for these yummy things I do it gladly. Just can't over do them - apperently haha.
If it's on the ground, it's fair game! Yummy!!! |
Maja has been doing a lot of research lately about insects which are endangered due to spraying fields and vineyards, which really need help and which are amazing for our gardens. She is completely in love with bumble bees, those hairy little hard workers, who are the only creatures that are able to polinate our blueberries and other fruit trees with long narrow flowers, due to their long tongues. Cute little bumble butts hihi. We found two today, on two diffirent flowers, and ofcourse we got really happy about it, we really want to provide a beautiful feeding ground for all our little helpers in nature.
Adorable bumble bee boy gathering so much he was yellow |
He is feeding on the big red sunflower. |
As much as some may get sad due to deer "pruning" their roses, which they do, they ate all our darker colored rose buds before they opened, they actually did us a huge favour, now the rose bushes are growing like crazy and forming so many new buds. We would never have the heart to cut of flower buds to promote growth of the plants, they are just too pretty. Cannot wait to finally find out which color these bushes are hehe, but since they were eaten, they are most likely pink, red or something among those lines haha. For some reasons, our deer don't like light colored roses haha. Picky!
Majestic recovery after their feeding, thank you deer hihi |
Summer is amazing, everything is growing insanely fast, we can't even keep up most of the time. I was also learning how to help out by carrying the buckets filled with produce, but I got scared of it since it makes a loud sound if I smack it on the ground haha.
Owners little helper |
I help with being pretty, humans do the heavy work hehe |
There are so many things we are working on at the moment, keeping busy and filling our days so we don't miss Magnus as much as we would if we were at home being bored and sad. So instead we take care of his vegetables and keep the area pretty hihi. We built a stone wall around the apple tree and planted new hortensias, unsure if the stone glue will hold, so far so good haha. We had help from Maja's sisters step son, who plastered a lot of it on one side, might not be so pretty but it sure works! That side is solid haha. I wasn't allowed to help with the glue, apperently my ears are too long for work like that, especially when I put them into glue cups haha.
Hope it holds, so we can complete it |
Mags' veggies are starting to grow and gain color, more and more each day. His tomato plants are something out of this world, we built a huge wall for them to have support, but the damn plants are overgrowing that one also, haha.
Our popcorn, yum yum! |
Our only flat peach! Proud! Hehe |
Mags' honeymelons and tomatos, hope the wires hold haha |
Honey melons - Not allowed to play with, owner says, boo |
We started continuing on the second part of the project, building some stairs and leveling out the soil, so it is actually walkable towards the brook, quite a mess down there at the moment, but the pretty begonias make the path lively with color, if only the weeds didn't grow 20 cm per week haha. Time to cut grass again soon.
Second part of the garden, work in progress |
Everything has pretty much recovered from the heat wave, slowely starting to bloom and be colorful again. We water both parts everytime we go up, so the pretty plants have time to recover from the sun.
Dahlias finally started blooming again |
Our only white rose so far, pretty and happy |
Daisies gone wild, so have the weeds boo |
New grass slowely growing, can't wait to play on it |
My ears are getting better and we have a check up on tuesday, hopefully all is well. Or getting to that. It is annoying to get medication twice per day, plus cleaning, plus adding drops to enchance the medication, but...if it will make the pain and discomfort go away, I don't mind. I have been really good with it lately. I have noone to hide behind since Mags left hehe.
But before I forget, Maja got me a tiny coconut from the store, she thought it would be fun for me, since I love toys and it's hairy and heavy, so I play with it and smack it around, and can't destroy it haha. Fun toy! Smells good too hihi.
Haha, so what if I look silly, it's so much fun! |
And I often want to steal some produce from places, but I have never ever destroyed anyones garden, or walked over plants in Maja's moms vegetable garden. I was thought to walk the paths or around, and I fully respect that even now. However I do wanna taste things they sort pretty in baskets and such hehe.
I didn't like the green beans at all! |
That is a small picture update of what I am up to lately, I am pretty sure I forgot a lot of things, but it is so late and I am so tired. Tomorrow we have a slack day and I get my bath, which I am not looking forward to. Now it's just medication and of we go to sleep.
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