Oh yes, I am back on antibiotics again, this time I have been actually properly diagnosed by my owners and my vetenarians were impressed haha. It all started with my bad breath a few weeks ago, which led to the change of food back to the medical sensitivity control which we know is safe. After a while it got better, but the breath didn't go away. Yesterday I started shivering and my owners took my temperature, which was below normal! They rolled me into a blanket and heated me up, and when caressing me they noticed, white pus on my lower lips, in the skin folds which I have. Soon they realised the breath wasn't the smelly part, the lips inflamation which wasn't noticable before yesterday was the cause of it. For some reason being allergic to food, or proteins causes me to get infections once my defense mechanism drops, this time it wasn't the ears, but the lips. I am such a sensative soul haha. It is a great thing my owners actually take me to the vet, so many dogs get ignored when in pain, the vet's say, since it's so costly. But my owners promised me when I arrived home for the first time, no matter what, I will always be getting the best care possible and I do hihi. I am so spoiled and loved.
So after barely sleeping all night, they called the vet's office in the morning and schedueled a visit in the afternoon, when the stomatology specialist is there.
We arrived there and instantly the vet comfirmed it indeed was the Lip fold infection, they took a swipe and performed lab tests on it. Magnus and I went out to check the snow and smell around a bit, and soon after we exited, another vet lady came to see me and she was amazed at Magnus for providing the correct diagnosys hehe. Usually, with bad breath it could be anything from stomach diseases to gum soft tissue problems. But my owners got it right after their research, lips it was. I have been having so many problems with my health lately that my owners are joking that I am a vetenarian encyclopedia haha!
Laboratory tests came back positive for many diffirent bacterias actually, so they put me on a wide specter antibiotics for two weeks. Also have to have my lip folds cleaned out twice or three times per day with medical swipes which really itch when used, but it's not that bad.Hopefully the pills will work and nothing else will need to be performed. We are all just happy we caught it and started treating it before it gets worse and I will finally be able to kiss people again, without the stinky breath haha.
Once were were done, I got a bag of cookies and we ordered a taxi to the vineyards, so I can enjoy the snow and friends after a stressful day. And oh boy did I enjoy myself...digging in the snow, chasing for the stick, stealing it back from Emma, after she stole it from me. Cookies! Play! What a fun day it turned out to be. Walking down in the snow, jumping and playing and once we got home, food, yummy yummy food and now....all us boys are sleeping on top of Magnus, while he is gently snorring wrapped in warmth hihi.
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