Monday, 30 July 2012

Caught in the rain

Today was a very sunny day and then clouds appeared, rain was over soon, so Maja and I decided it was time to walk down, before it got too late. Clouds started gathering again, but we figured, if it was a small rain storm as earlier, we'll be a little wet but home soon. As we walked into the forest a lightening hit very close to us, sounding like gun shots and cannons being fired at us. I was scared but didn't bark.
We walked down in a faster pace, Maja was worried since the lightenings were striking so often that I might get hurt, wearing metalic hoops on my collar. As we were half way, the rain started, it came down like being buckets spilled over us. Her dad called, saying he is picking us up as soon as we get to the road. We tried to walk under bigger trees, but nothing was stopping the rain from hitting us.
When we arrived at the road, noone was anywhere, all the houses were shut and rain being so thick, we couldn't see more then a few meters ahead and then...
..then I started feeling something very uncomfortable, like tiny rocks being thrown into me. I have never yet felt hale on my fur, and it hurt! I was scared and I cried, but Maja leaned over me to cover me with her body, especially my head. The water was running down from her face so much, she couldn't keep her eyes open. She grabbed my leash and started walking fast up the road, trying to find a better place to hide from the ice being thrown at us. We must have waited a few minutes, but it felt like hours. One couldn't hear anything or see for that matter, but in the mist of it all, the car moved towards us. I have never in my life been so happy to see a car, and I am a very happy dog haha, I just jumped in as if I was a huge dog and just layed on top of Maja, who was as wet as me, so she didn't complain haha. When we drove up our home, I refused to leave the dry car, honestly I really didn't like this kind of rain, but I eventually gave up and we ran into the apartment. Soaked to our teeth, dripping of us as if we have been hosed down, but then...the towel made it better and I soon got to sleep on the dry, warm, cozy bed, like a real dog should hihi. And what do you know...a few minutes later, the scorching sun came out haha! Just our luck.I wasn't stressed or anything like that, even with all the thunders and lightenings around me, after I was home I became completely relaxed. Which is good. Although my new haircut was completely messed up due to extreme water, it will be cute when dry again. Maja has finally learnt how to make the cocker pants on me, so now I look like a proper cocker on my hind legs. Only took her 6 hours to fully cut me, so I cannot complain hehe. But since rain is so rare nowdays, I have posed for a few pictures in the sun, as I was testing out the grape ripeness. Not sweet yet hihi. The pictures were taken before my fur was cut.

Still sour
Posing like only I can
Emma and I hidding in a shade

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