Friday, 13 January 2012

Pet stores

Today we had to go buy some catfood kibble for my friends, which meant going to the nearest pet store, where I usually have to wait outside, barking in excitement. So I did the same today, but then I saw Maja come out and telling me to calm down and leading me into the store with her, to where Mags was.

And let me tell you...
The smells....the toys....the snacks....the food bags and the anima sounds in tere are amazing.
Pet stores are animal paradise! I could have so much fun there everyday, all day! The lady at the counter smelled like snacks and toys and was very friendly! I even kissed her hihi. And then...

Maja took me into the room in the back...birds singing, fish swimming and I for the first time in life saw bunnies! BUNNIES! Fluffy, small, cute, long eared bunnies! I was so gentle with sniffing and observing, going to their cage and looking at them hop around. Not at all wanting to harm them or eat them hehe.

Now I know what the purpose of stealing cat food is...going back to that store again and maybe just maybe I will be taken in with them again. Oh what a paradise those places are. Ofcourse it wouldn't be perfect if my owners didn't get a few snacks for me at the same time we are there hihi, they always do spoil me.

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