After a few pee stops, we finally arrived to Piran, a small charming town surrounded by sea. First thing we did, and this hasn't yet happened is I got my own icecream scoop! Dogs are not allowed icecream since it's not the healthiest for us, but my owners said today was a special day. I got a yogurt scoop and loved it! I loved it so much, that the tourists started taking pictures of me, since I was so cute eating it hihi.
That icecream was the best thing anyone can ask for in the scorching heat...well, a close first place with the sea swimming hihi.
After the icecream, we walked around a bit and I just had to pose a little for the german tourists, it's not everyday someone gets to see how cute I am. Hihi.
And then we went to the local Church to see the view and found this cute rock beach under it, where dogs were allowed to swim in...the fun began!
It took me a few minutes to get used to the waves but then we began to form a good relationship, I went up when a wave came and down after it passed and it also brought me sticks and my ball back, nice of them. Hihi.
Magnus and Klemen also join me in the swimming, Maja stayed outside taking pictures instead, I don't blame her, it was a moment to be captured on film hihi.
So much fun, if you take away the yucky taste of the water, but I kept spitting it out si it was fine hihi.
After a very good work out swim, we headed back thru those tiny streets and found a cute pizzeria, where I was put to another test, how will I behave in a resturant. And yes you were correct, I was the most polite, non begging pooch, laying down, drinking my water and nibbling on the pizza crust which my owners and Klemen gave me. I looked at other dogs who passes us by, but didn't care much and continued to behave like a champ. Ofcourse I wouldn't be me, if I didn't shake my rear at some tourists after getting all wet, but they just giggled at it so no harm was done. And I wouln't be me if someone didn't ask if I was a cocker and then commented how huge I am for the breed hehe, what can I say, I was raised with a lot of love, therefor I am huge hihi.
Slowely we drove back home, I spent almost the entire trip sleeping, as you can see:
Stopping for donuts on the way back made my tummy even happier, today was a yummy yummy day, and now I am safely at home, sleeping like an overcooked macaroni, I have earned my rest. What a beautiful advaturous day!
Magnus, me and Klemen |
Maja, me and Magnus |
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