Tuesday, 3 May 2011

April is...

... a month of birthdays, so many people and dogs celebrated. The most important thing is a new edition to the family, a little baby girl! Cannot wait to meet her and play hihi.
After my birthday we started preparing for Magnus', which was on the last day of april, so we were busy! By busy I mean we had to bake another cake! Oh yes I am known to be the cake monster now, but before I get into that, this is the cake we made:
 We took it up to the vineyards where everyone was celebrating bdays, so many people had their bdays around now, that the humans gathered on the same day with a lot of barbeque and sweets, no need to mention the cake was gone as it was served...soooo yummy!
But me being naughty me, before we took it up there, when it was being decorated I licked the whipped cream of the side where it was being decorated hihihihi...what other people don't know won't make them angry hihi. We redecorated it and noone noticed, haha. But what a yummy cake! I was crying at the closed door to get to it when it was being prepared, and Maja wanted to steal some also, but Mags wouldn't let us, mean mean mean hihi!
The day was amazing, so many of us gathered, and all dogs at one spot, even Lyra was there trying to steal the meat off the grill haha.

I have become obsessed with swimming, now when it's warm outside, I cannot seem to be able to stay dry.
Today we actually took our camera with us to take pictures of me swimming.

 And we made so many movies of me, I feel important hihi.

Perfect retriving of the stick by a wet dog hihi

Swimming to get to the floating stick, always wiggling my tail...that's me hihi

Running in the water after sticks, very tired already hehe

 Chasing birds that are in my way, hihi, pigeons, ducks don't bother me hehe. In the back you can see the castle, which is about 500 meters away from the vineyards

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