Taking a dip |
Remember how I said I am on a new mission, which is getting as dirty as I can after a nice bath...well it has happened, I have been washed. Yuck, the smell is so clean and so undoggy, so I had to find a way to completely get rid of it hihi. Everytime we walk to the vineyards, we pass a little river, which is tiny but has sand shores, which ofcourse get into my fur and I am nice and dirty for a long time hihi. That is untill we get home and into a bath. The weather has been really warm, around 20 degrees celsium during the day, very sunny and great for swimming, so I try and take a dip everytime.
Dirty, wet and looking intellegent, oh yes that would be me hihi |
My owners decided it's been enough of
semi afghan hound look - my fur was so silky and long and completely cottony, great and soft, but it's time for me to get more into a cocker fur now, so we started to trim my back. Trimming is funny, since I am a boy I ofcourse hate washing, combing, clean in general hihi, but trimming puts me in such amazing sleep, it's so relaxing and massaging, I just doze of a little. The trimmer is such a cute, funky, weird item in my daily routine. Slowely it removes milimeters of my old puppy fur making my fur look fresh and new. As a cocker I am supposed to have 1/3 back fur shortened to give me a proper look, but since shaving isn't the best option proper breeders say, we went with the best option of trimming.
the trimming comb, somewhat like mine |
Past few days we have been really busy, we helped with planting fruit trees, I helped with digging and making a mess, while the tiny baby trees were being put into the ground with fertilizer, cow poop, which is by the way very yummy but ofcourse forbidden for me, no fun! Hihi. I did however manage to steal some for my fresh breath and extra fun. Tara and Emma were so tired when we left they didn't even get up to say bye bye, they just slept poor girls, I am an energy machine, draining the poor girls with running and playing. When we take the road there we always meet my friends, Pika and Vas, a red cocker girl, really pretty and Vas looks like Emma, golden retriver boy and we sniff and cry to play, but today I just didn't have the time to stop much for them, I just pulled my owners to get to my two girls as soon as possible, and ofcourse the chewy bones and cookies I just know we are getting as we reach the weekend house hihi. Funny day today, tiring, but after a short nap I am ready to go and play football with my owners again, they don't seem to excited tho, but Magnus did teach me how to play with my feet and not teeth, fun! Back to sleep, hopefully soon we can post a dry picture of me, but I will make damn hard for that not to be possible hihihi.
1 comment:
Thank you, yes we live in Slovenia. Visited your blog, but sadly don't find an option to translate it to english:) Nice pictures tho!
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