Cruel people mocking my blond hair hehe |
Today was a very sunny day, about 16 degrees celsium, which makes it very warm for february. At the walk to the vineyards, we met Pika (tiny lady english cocker spaniel), Vas (pretty and big golden retriver) and two tiny dogs, one was a pocket dog, forgot the breed and a cute puppy pit bull, who loved me hihi. After those dogs we visited Tara and Emma, ate pork ribbs and played in the yard. We each got one of the hard bones, and Tara tried to steal mine so I growled and showed her I won't give mine away, it got very loud and serious, she was shocked, so was everyone else but a minute after that Tara and I were kissing again and knew it was bone focused tension only. I do know how to stand up for myself hihi. That is not considered agression, only communication between dogs, still scary but harmless hehe. The humans were cutting bushes and sorting out trees and us dogs, got to play with all the sticks and branches. So I nibbled and chewed everything hihi, but that didn't turn out well. On the way down I threw up green chewings of wood haha, no worries, once it was out I ate my dinner normally. I was so tired today, that I took every single time we stopped as a chance to lay down and try to sleep haha, I guess I missed the after lunch nap. At the moment I am sleeping on the bed, Liza moved away, she was sleeping on my tummy an hour ago, she likes to snuggle with me, since I am such a ball of fur hihi. We are adorable when we sleep together and she is so tiny and cute, sometimes I just need to sit on her when she doesn't want to play with me hihi.
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