My first january so far, getting close to when I knew the yearly season, my birthday is in april only four months left, so we are getting close hihi. Right now as we type, I am trying to dig holes into the bed cover because they just bathed me...mean! I smell so lovely now, like hay and flowers, But I guess they were kind enough to let me be dirty all this time, since we were busy painting and cleaning up, so I need to give them a break, maybe hihi. But not before I bring toys on the bed and my chewing bones, which I am not allowed to eat on the bed.
I had a little limp on my front paw, doesn't hurt on touch but we will observe it a little, and if it doesn't go away, we will have to go to a vet, hopefully it's nothing, just a little misstep on the icebergs I tried to crack in the park lately hihi. Magnus and I tried the polabear tactic on it, you know the one where one tries to break the ice with both front paws, so much fun! The snow is nearly gone and Maja is ill, so we haven't been at Tara's and Emma's lately, but we did go on sunday and since it was still technically holidays, I got to eat sooooo many good meats and snacks. Off I go, got people to annoy and toys to rip apart in frustration of the beautiful smells. Before they decide to brush me...
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