Wednesday, 20 October 2010

It's cold and rainy outside, been for days, but that didn't stop us from going to school. When we arrived at the meeting point, where we always gather and drive together with Lyra we met a kitten, which looked just like Lisa does! He was so sweet and tiny, playful but scared. I guess my barking and wanting to play didn't help in that matter either. My owners went to feed him my cooked pork, the one which I was supposed to get as a reward in school, so hell yeah I complained hihi. But since he was tiny he didn't eat that much so I guess I'm okay with it afterall, still wanted him to come and play with me though. We arrived at school, where I behaved as if I have been in school for years, I walked heel like a champ, fast, slow, sit and stopped when told.
The lady instructor even said that of all the cocker spaniels she ever saw she thinks I am the most beatiful one...yeah ofcourse! hihi
My gift is already on the way, which is going to make me so happy, I am so excited for stuff, that I can play with and chew on! Yay.
Lyra was here yesterday after school, we played for hours, she is strong but a tiny girl so she can no longer flop me over when she wants, I just take my huge paw and press her down. Anddddddd whoa did we have fun!
We made some pictures of me on sunday, since we didn't show how pretty I am on my 6 months birthsday, so here it is, me in all my perky perfection:)
...on the pebble road with leaves the river with ducks
...beds were made for pets! toy duck, which makes every dog want to be me, I am cool hihi.

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