Thursday, 21 October 2010
Egg!! JollyPets Egg!
My package has finally arrived and I got my Jolly's amazing! I cannot chew on it or carry it around so it makes me even more annoyed and playful hihi.
I also got a box of treats, everything from Arden Grange crunchy bites to this amazing, completely organic snacks, with mint, cinnamon and honey! Amazing, we ofcourse went to the vineyards and spoiled Emma and Tara, who loved the Jumbos as much as me...Happy bday to me!
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Wednesday, 20 October 2010
It's cold and rainy outside, been for days, but that didn't stop us from going to school. When we arrived at the meeting point, where we always gather and drive together with Lyra we met a kitten, which looked just like Lisa does! He was so sweet and tiny, playful but scared. I guess my barking and wanting to play didn't help in that matter either. My owners went to feed him my cooked pork, the one which I was supposed to get as a reward in school, so hell yeah I complained hihi. But since he was tiny he didn't eat that much so I guess I'm okay with it afterall, still wanted him to come and play with me though. We arrived at school, where I behaved as if I have been in school for years, I walked heel like a champ, fast, slow, sit and stopped when told.
The lady instructor even said that of all the cocker spaniels she ever saw she thinks I am the most beatiful one...yeah ofcourse! hihi
My gift is already on the way, which is going to make me so happy, I am so excited for stuff, that I can play with and chew on! Yay.
Lyra was here yesterday after school, we played for hours, she is strong but a tiny girl so she can no longer flop me over when she wants, I just take my huge paw and press her down. Anddddddd whoa did we have fun!
We made some pictures of me on sunday, since we didn't show how pretty I am on my 6 months birthsday, so here it is, me in all my perky perfection:)
The lady instructor even said that of all the cocker spaniels she ever saw she thinks I am the most beatiful one...yeah ofcourse! hihi
My gift is already on the way, which is going to make me so happy, I am so excited for stuff, that I can play with and chew on! Yay.
Lyra was here yesterday after school, we played for hours, she is strong but a tiny girl so she can no longer flop me over when she wants, I just take my huge paw and press her down. Anddddddd whoa did we have fun!
We made some pictures of me on sunday, since we didn't show how pretty I am on my 6 months birthsday, so here it is, me in all my perky perfection:)
...on the pebble road with leaves the river with ducks
...beds were made for pets! toy duck, which makes every dog want to be me, I am cool hihi.
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Sunday, 17 October 2010
Today is my birthsday, whole six months!!! We have been celebrating by watching movies about dogs, such as Marley and me, and ofcourse we cried but it's such a beautiful story. The weather is very bad, so we are not spending it outside, but being at home with all my toys suits me well also.
Lyra and her owners got me a fresh bone as a bday gift and I finished it right away, what a yummy bone it was.
School is going great, I am really behaving lately and I have learnt a few new things, such as wait and go around the legs to sit in a perfect position, so my owners are very proud of me and if I know them well, I am soon going to get my gift, but we have to wait since it's being shipped, worth the wait tho! ;)
I will write more soon, right now I am going to go celebrate my day...YAY six whole months!!!
Lyra and her owners got me a fresh bone as a bday gift and I finished it right away, what a yummy bone it was.
School is going great, I am really behaving lately and I have learnt a few new things, such as wait and go around the legs to sit in a perfect position, so my owners are very proud of me and if I know them well, I am soon going to get my gift, but we have to wait since it's being shipped, worth the wait tho! ;)
I will write more soon, right now I am going to go celebrate my day...YAY six whole months!!!
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Friday, 8 October 2010
The attack of the teenage sock holes
It's been quite a few days since I wrote, 50 % of my owners got ill so we didn't explore the outside as much as usual, instead Magnus and I took shorter walks more times per day. Those are very joyful and comming home a bit wet and running to the bed where Maja is sleeping, jumping on her and starting to lick her awake while completely wetting her hair makes comming home very delightful, I am sure she feels the same, she always giggles when I do it.
My hormones are running wild, my teeth are annoyingly growing and my body is going thru changes. Past few days I have been very hyper, it takes me 2 minutes to get all my toys everywhere on floor and since I am a bit spoiled with those, it must be around 30 or so of my toys on the floor to pick up hihi. But you know what my owners say...better to play with toys then chewing on furniture! Hihi.However I did realise it's not allowed to steal socks or make holes into them, I only did that once! Okay maybe a few more times, but only one sock had holes!
My sleeping habit is a bit off, yesterday I was running around with the loudest squeeky toy at 4 am in the morning, people must be so pleased since I am keeping them up with sounds hihi, but tonight I am tired, even the cats are not annoyed with me today, I also got a few disciplinary slaps from Liza, no nails but I got the point.
She doesn't like it when I bite her tail, such a girly girl. No fun. Ed just ignores me when I'm hyper, smart dude;)
With the puberty kicking in and the crazy changes that are happening with me, I am starting to understand a few more things, I learnt to wait when told, stop when needed and the most important lesson of all, I will get snacks, so no need to bark for them, I am a firm believer I get them coz I'm just so darn pretty hihi. Okay, after a command is executed, but still, I am pretty ;). Oh yes and that girls are always right, no matter what, or it's bark/paw time for me. Yikes, being around 3 dog girls and Liza makes being the only boy dog quite like being in school, you quickly learn what not to do or chew on hihi.
With all these changes, my owners are counting days before I lift my leg and start marking (don't mock me, I still pee like a girl), that will be the day that...dare I say it? Oh noes....a visit to the Vet. Yes, the dreadful C word, ...castration...eiiikkkk. I think we are all dreading the day, but what has to be done, has to be done, so I am healthy and happy. In all my perfection I was however born with Cryptorchidism, but that wouldn't really change if diffirent since my owners decided for castration before they even chose me, we will get that over with and no problems anymore.
One thing I am sure of tho, my sad eyes plus operation will win me loads of cookies and toys (I mean, those two goofballs went to the doggy show and came home with three toys and a uber cool foldable bowl since they missed me hihi I am loved!).
Cookiesssss....sniff sniff...yum yummmm.
I have seen pictures of how Emma was treated by my owners after they had to operate and they took her home for intensive care, she ate a round stone, yes a whole 4cm stone haha, silly girl, which needed to be surgically removed from her tummy, she was treated like a queen and is since then always waiting for people to lift her tiny butt on the sofa or she barks hihi, oh I am going to have a blast with all the spoiling (not like there will be a diffirence from how it is now, give or take a testical or two, it's not like I know what they are for, besides who needs those when I got squeeky toys to torture people at night with hihi;))
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Friday, 1 October 2010
End of summer
I wanted to type yesterday but I was way to offended to do so, why you might ask, well after a magnificent day playing at the vineyards, we came home and I was really wet and dirty so that was borring and they also decided to clean my ears!!! I hate ear cleaning! So I went and slept in the other room for a while, till they offered me cookies to come back hihi. Pfff who needs ear hygene! But today I actually like that my ears are clean and we have been having so much fun last few days, the trees are starting to shed and all these leafs are falling down to tease me with movement in the wind. The colors of the forest are so beautiful and the last warm days are here and we are taking all the advantage of them.

Every day we take these long 50 minute walks in the afternoon to the vineyards to help out with the grapevines, they are almost ripe, sometimes Lyra joins us, this weekend we are going there again to help pick them, which means I am again going to meet Spot, Lyra, Tara and Emma to play for hours! Hihi here I am being chased by three much fun! Haha look at my face, now thats speed I tell ya!;)
I can't wait, but there is so many things happening tomorrow to which I am not allowed to go to, there is the euro dog show in our town, there will more then 350 breeds of dogs, including 140 breeds which I will never meet in Slovenia, since we don't have them here. Tomorrow school is cancelled and postponed till sunday, they are hosting approx 90 Rottweilers at the poligon where we practice, again, I am not allowed to go check them out, since I look like a toy hihi. But my owners spoil me in other ways, today they came back from the store and got me a huge bone which I can chew and drag around, my choice of candy hihi.
On tuesday Magnus was the one handling me at school, we said we would try it a bit diffirent, though Maja had to be far away so I didn't cry for her, I know...I am spoiled;). Us boys did great and Maja managed to get some pictures of us.
And ofcourse a pretty picture of Team Pascal :)
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