I have to apologize for not writing in such a long time, we were very much under stress waiting for the test results so we tried to keep busy as well as we could and one thing that always cheers us up, is planting! Hehe.
To get to the important stuff first. Test results are back, they are not drastic, but they are not unworrying either. I am allergic to quite a few things, basically in human terms I have Hay fever, meaning I am allergic to all sorts of grasses and grains which are blooming and a few sorts of trees. People who have this allergy are aware of how horrible it is to have your eyes swallen, sneezing and such, but for me...it has to get out somewhere, so my ears and lipfolds are the places to hurt. Since the levels of my allergy are not alarming, we don't need to create serums just yet, but we will try and medicate me before it starts and prevent the allergy from creating damage anywhere and if that doesnt work, we will try serums and other possibilities. Steroids and other medication should do the job. Hopefully. Mites are worrying Maja, those are everywhere, so she is doing research on how to reduce that before she calls the vets with questions. But it's not as bad as we feared. As I mentioned, the leves are only orange and not red, so it's really not drastic.
Test values |
I am aware my owners are worried and trying to make it better for me and I am really happy with them for taking extra care of me, they always make sure my health comes first. A very soothing fact. Maja spoils me with very yummy food when we go to the vet, always something a little extra and if I am not feeling well, she will cook me human food to bring back my apetite. Hihi. Poor Magnus is sometimes worried sick and being away I cannot run to him and kiss him untill we fall alseep together, so all I can do is bark when he talks to Maja hehe. We are taking it as good news, the low levels of my allergy and my owners won't let me notice when it's "dangerous" for me to run wild in nature. We will be able to avoid some plants, but not many. Problem with the amount of variesties I am allergic to, I woudn't be able to leave the house, so let's hope the anti histemins for dogs work and we can play with toys outside. There are always other solutions, other tests we can take and find a more agressive approach. But for now, we are going to continue being the way we are, try and avoid the plants and medicate to prevent any reactions.
The worst thing from last week was the loudness of the town, don't get us wrong, we are very happy with celebrations and nice music in the evenings, but this european championship, which was held also in our town, was extreme. It started at 8 in the morning and didn't finish till 4 sometimes 5 am, and we live right in the center, 100 meters away from the main fan base, which had a concerts stage and live bands playing between the games. For almost a week! If you can imagine some man yelling into a microphone on maximum volume before breakfast and not stopping till 4 am haha.But the worst was drunk people yelling after it all ended, right under out window, while the town was filed with people, food stands and picnic tables. We didn't really sleep much those days and our boys were winning so it was really happy in our area. There was so many people we could barely walk in town and Maja avoided taking me out during game time so I wouldn't get scared from yelling. We are glad people had so much fun and we were glad we could run away to the project and hide form the noise haha. But there was no violence or bad energy, not even many broken bottles I could hurt my paws on, so it passed nicely and then moved the main base to our capitol, lucky for us haha.
Ok... now to the fun parts haha. The project is taking on a lovely shape, we are grooming it and preparing for winter. Maja has been taking out her frustration out on the land, she plants spring bulbs religiously hehe. She keeps joking to Magnus that it's great she is addicted to cheap flowers and not shoes or jewelery haha. But lucky for us, the spring bulbs for planting are in season now, so we are getting as many as possible, to prepare the project for spring. So this month my owners put aside some money and bought large amount of bulbs. As many as it seems, it's funny how one can buy 400 bulbs for 20 euros haha. We didn't even spend a 100 euros on all of it. Which makes it fantastic! But when spring comes, and all is wet, cold and depressing, the first plants will rise up and show color and then a whole army of tulips, narcissus and others will join them. I believe the place will be even more magical. And the best part was when Maja told me, if I break a tulip, we will just have more in the vases hihi. So yaaay for me. I am the true assistant, I have to keep track of everything and everything is fun. So a bunch of pictures for the color hihi.
First batch of bulbs:
Second batch of bulbs:
One just has to love Lidl. So much for so little! |
Third batch of bulbs:
Notice the 2,5kg of narcissus? Haha |
Today we went and got a few more big packs of tulips and narciss, since we ran out in the garden beds. In such a big area (the upper project part is approx 360m2) this huge ammount of bulbs gets lost really fast if you don't have enough. And the beautiful part is, if the cute hungry mice, hamsters and other adorable rodents don't eat them, which they shouldn't since we planted Hyacinthus and Alliums between the rest, this spring bulbs will bloom for a very long time every spring. We just want to skip winter and see what comes out in the spring hehe, so excited!
Maja and I made so many pretty areas for these flowers, we dug and took out the roots, fertilized it and put amazing new soil so the little bulbies will grow big and create a magical spring for us. Hard work, we really have to carry everything down and the bags are really heavy. But so worth it! So what if we had to walk uphill 50 times haha. You know what they say, you sleep better if tired - well it's true! Haha.
Imagine the shelf covered with blooms, yay can't wait! |
Haha Emma isn't really much help! Tail is more important |
I am the nose tester of soil quality! Hihi |
And I don't know why I cannot turn the picture the way it's supposed to be haha.
Two hours later, she still didn't move haha |
So I have to help twice as much :) |
Upper project after the rain, good time to plant grass seeds |
Just magical |
I really make the flowers look good! Hihi |
Beautiful tobacco plants, even prettier dogs *wink* |
The tobacco was planted for Maja's parents mostly as a test if it will grow, but they are now bigger then 175 cm, and such a beautiful plant, one could use it for borders or fences, really looks like a palm tree. And now a few more pictures from our hard work hehe. We are quite proud of it this year, wish Magnus was here to taste his veggies.
Our own little produce, look at those colors! |
Our only "Saturn" peach, it tasted devine! |
Magnus' peppers...to heavy for their plant |
Yum, yum and extra yummy smell of yum;) |
Yesterday we helped make "filled paprikas", it's a popular (ex) yugoslavian dish, which one preparesby opening and cleaning a pepper, then stuff it with already prepared mass made of cooked rice and meat. No need to mention the floor was covered with saliva spots from us dogs drooling hihi. But me, as usual, I was the main asistant, Not a single spoon went anywhere without me knowing haha. But it's very respectful from my part, I was a few centimeters away, but not once tried to steal or lick them, it made Maja proud! Trust, I tell you, hihi. Only once I ever stole food up there and that was boiled eggs of a salad hahaha, what can I say, eggs I cannot resist! Hehe.
Maja's mom filling a paprika |
5 paprikas later. Yup! The focus is still there haha |
And after so much work everyday, and me being so good and obidient, I get home, eat my dinner, greet the cats (yes in that order haha) and then shortly remove myself into a more comfortable position, such as this:
I just love pillows! |
or this:
But sometimes I need to rearrange them |
And sometimes I am just too tired to care haha |
The past few weeks have been busy and we catsitted Mao for two weeks, which went great. Apart from him stealing my food. But I have learnt my lesson when I was a puppy, so I didn't even bother letting him know it bothers me haha. I just looked at Maja and cried. She moved him to his foodbowl and gave him some yummy stuff to keep him away from mine.
It will be a few very busy days ahead and the grape picking is coming up soon, but we will keep the blog updated more often so it's not such a long post hehe. We are helping with painting and doing improvements in the wine cellar, which hasn't seen a fresh coat of paint in quite a few decades haha and we are sorting some other stuff on top of the project. Being busy makes us happy and distracted from missing Magnus so very much. Hope everyone is enjoying the change in season, and enjoys the last sunny days before the cold starts. We just wish this year wasn't the worst in mushroom growth, it's been so dry and horrible for nature. Maybe soon, I miss those long walks in that far away forest and the car ride nap I take after haha. How can a dog not be as a happy as me after such fantastic days, look at me on the bottom picture, I am so tired I cannot even sit properly and I look like I have triple the weight that I do haha. Mushrooms are awesome!
Mushrooms aren't growing, not edible ones atleast |
Have an amazing tuesday everyone! Hihi. More pictures coming soon!