Yesterday Emma came for a visit, we promised her a spa day after the vet visits she had lately, and she is now healthy and happy enough to be groomed and bathed. We have never attempted to give Emma a puppy cut grooming, which means all the fur is cut down to about a centimeter, somewhat what my owners did to me after all the antibiotics ruined my fur. Emma was in real need of a nice short haircut, since her skin needed some refreshment after all the invasive treatments and the oily laxitives which glued together the fur on her thighs. So down she came by car, we wanted to show her it's not only driving to the vets when she enters a car. She unlike me hates driving, she gets car sick and now, when she came down to us, she saw it can be fun where she is going to also.
Once we got home, after a long relaxing walk with us, she layed on the bed, on our grooming blanket - the blanket my owners use, so us dogs can lay and sleep on the bed when we are being given a haircut so the hairs don't go all over the room. After a few long hours of sleeping next to her, she became like a little fluffy sheep. Her bubbly butt was so adorable, and her fat belly didn't seem so fat anymore. Well she is a bit on the heavy side but in this "new skin" she is just a cutie hehe. Her long beautiful curls will grow out again soon and she will feel a lot better again once the fur can be combed and maintained nicely. She does look funny but sooooo cute haha.
A little before and after picture to show the amount of work which went into the short cut, which my crazy owners did with scissors to avoid hair curling which is a side effect of shaving.
Emma with her uncontrollable fur in march 2013 |
Haha sheep shape today, such a cutie |
She was a real sport while being cut to such short hair and I, well I was kissing her all the time and being supportive to what she was going thru.
And now an uber cute picture of our furry little butts, well...mine is tiny, Emmas is like a ball, but I love her hehe.
Hehe that's my little fatty girl, adorable! |
Today was fun when we were up at the vineyards, we were so lazy we actually called for a ride up. The air pressure was extreme and it felt like it was really heavy to even walk, let alone work. But we enjoy the area so much, we couldn't sit still. Magnus was a good boy, he cut the grass on our little zen project and me, well I collected sticks and carried them around the newly cut area haha. I am so stick obsessed that both vineyards are filled with sticks I left behind, you never know where one might need a stick to play with, so it's best to make sure they are all over haha.
But before I forget, I need to mention my paw. It was not an insect bite, but a small grass/branch thing which got stuck under my skin. After the swelling went down, we thought it was over, but the paw swell up again after I was secretly licking it. And then, when I was laying in bed, my owners saw it was licked (I deny everything hihi) and a small black piece was showing. Once they pulled it out with pincers, we saw how long and hurtful the thing really was. They felt bad for not taking me to the vet, but I have to admit, it was no need, since it took a bit to get to the surface and we sorted it just fine. Now my paw is pretty, unswallen and healthy again. But we took a picture of what it was and how it looked.
Ofcourse I have to sniff it, it was in my paw, so it's mine hihi |
Close up of the wound, which is now all healed and furry |
But to go back to today, the pride of my owners, their rhododendrons and azalea bushes are almost all in bloom, some due to the extreme heat have actually stopped blooming within a few days sadly, but, most are still in full bloom and an amazing sight to look at. So ofcourse I had to pose for the pictures hihi. Keep in mind the area is not even close to being finished and most of the fences and stairs are still in the symbolic stage hehe.
The azelea hill, will in a few years become one huge collection of
bubble like blooming colorful bushes and the tiny fern in between will
create pretty feathering. The hill has 10 azaleas and 5 rhododendrons
which are still small all apart from one. But with years they will grow
and become prettier and prettier, cannot wait hihi. So now we have 11 azaleas and 10 rhododendrons planted in our project.
Baby azalea bushes, under the spruce |
Our pride and joy, the rhododendrons from last spring |
Even among such beauty, I am still the prettiest |
The blueberries under me where I am not allowed to go |
Cooling off under the Tayberry arch |
Both archways will have a lot of fruit this year |
Pretty boys |
Mags being greeted on the second vineyard |
It's as if it is no longer spring in this country, as you can see the sun is very warm in the evening, this picture was taken at around 6 o'clock and temperatures were around 25 degrees. Quite summerish already and the grass is growing wild. But so much fun running around with no leash with my girls, playing in high grass and getting dirty while we work on the lower side of the project. More pictures comming soon hihi.