Finally able to sit down and relax a little longer and update the blog about the previous happenings.
Easter was lovely, rainy but very fun, however Emma got very sick. Poor girl couldn't hold any food down and nothing was getting better. On monday Maja took her to the vet, where after a short examination we knew what the problem was. The ultimate enemy. Bones. Us pups, we love to gnaw on bones, but if we eat them, they create this cement like paste which clogs our intestense and start piling up inside us. The vet and Maja had to start cleaning her out with laxatives and enimas, nothing improved after a day. Basically it went like, fluids in, run around the parking lot and hope for poop all afternoon. Second day, they went back to try again, she was in so much pain poor girl, but after a few hours of struggle, they finally managed to break down the mass in her stomach, but even though it sounds very yucky, it was amazing to see how she understood what was happening.
While the vet was elbow deep inside her to break the mass, she knew it was helping, and Emma in all that pain, didn't go crazy on them, she actually layed out on her back and stretched out completely, as if she was saying thank you for helping. The vet was joking that if it was him, he would have punched his doctor by now, doing all this to him, but Emma... she was just greatful. And then, it worked, things started comming out of her. Those two girls took a long walk home from the vet and we met them half way, and oh man was I happy to see them! I kissed both of them and I was very gentle to Emma, I knew those medical smells and well...lets be honest, Maja smelled like laxitives and parafin also, poor girl haha, she did deserve some well earned love also haha. But all was well on the back front haha.
So thats for the easter and the ban on the yummy bones, boo.
For the past few weeks, when the sun came out we started really working up at our little zen project, which is no longer so little, we managed to dig out terrases and the area is becoming really beautiful. We meet snakes, no worries, these weren't poisonous, huge green lizzards, which are really fast while running away and birds. Those damn birds, how they annoy me haha. I guess there is a bit of a bird hunter still left inside me, because those birds do make me run around like a fool every now and then, and then there is deer, beautiful white butt deer, who stop and look at us and then as if they are mocking me, hop away before I can decide to chase them or not haha. Our tiny little brook not only has crabs in it, but also leeches, funky little creatures, but owners keep me away from those. The only problem we had past few days with the weather so pretty is that there is a huge tick infestation, I had 11 of them on my ears when we got home, already sucking on my blood, so yesterday Maja went to the vets and bought the anti tick drops, no need to risk it, it's going to be fun today when they try and prevent me from swimming haha, since with this medication you are not allowed to dive into water for two days, haha good luck owners.
The weather went from cold and damp to really hot, past few days have been up to 28 degrees in the sun and I have been jumping into water anywhere I could find it. Spring is amazing, even when I am not allowed to bite of a tulip or narciss flower, which are so tempting when the wind plays with them haha. But everything is in color, our little project has this old plum tree which they didn't want to cut down, and now in it's full bloom when the wind comes it looks like its snowing with the white flower petals falling everywhere, its really zen and relaxing down there. Magnus hit his thumb, nothing really bad but it is preventing him to work hard so he stole a bag of mulch, which he put in the sun to sit on, and us boys sunbathe while Maja is working haha. But the area is becoming really pretty down there, it's actually very shocking, it went from overgrown messy jungle to a beautiful terrased garden, with a little aquaduct, haha. We are all joking about it, Mags keeps his aquaduct unclogged and running, while all us dogs love running on it, there is this water flowing down from the orchard which is up above with half a vineyard between and making the area muddy, so Magsy made it to prevent spilling where we have terrases, we are joking that his Donava (huge river going from Germany all the way to black sea) is leaking and he has to repair it by using a stick, which ofc all dogs follow and stomp on while watching what he is doing haha, it's really Siziphus work, but he likes it haha. Today we are going to take a lot of pictures and post them tomorrow, so everyone can see me in the spring and my owners flower obsession isn's silly haha. soooo many colors and pretty areas ready for planting. And don't even get me started on Maja's symbolic fencing, haha, she made this silly fences for us dogs and deer to respect the little stairs and edges she likes, but they actually work, we don't run over the pretty bushes and flowers, though it would be easier to get to places haha. But now, its full sun and not a cloud in the sky, so we are leaving this comfortable bed and going into the wild flower world.
Mags kissing Emma after after we came from the vet |
Lower part of the project before we started digging |
Posing by the gardenbeds above the second vineyard |
Resting by the house after the long hot walk up |
Upper side of the project, by our beautiful baby magnolia |
One word. LOVE. |
And for the grand finale, the before and after pics of the work we do by the forest at our little garden project, we are not even half way done, but we are very proud of the work that has already been done so far, especially since we had snow till only a few weeks ago and started on this area this year.
Before our work has begun, pic taken in november 2012 |
Pic taken today, after some planting and leveling |
We are very proud, and as soon as we clean it up a bit, and the flowers grow bigger and actually show, the trees we intend to plant will be in a nice line, it will truly be majestic. The plum tree is dancing in the wind and coloring the paths white, making it a lot prettier then the picture shows, but we will show more pictures soon, but before that, one picture of the other side where we have a whole rhododenron and azalea hill, soon they will bloom and we will post more of those pics since these aren't showing the full beauty of the areas yet. Hihi.
This picture was taken a week or so ago and is now a lot more green and lively, cannot wait to show these bushes as they bloom.
The 30 year old rhododendron we got from the old neighbour, that was neglected and unfertilized, but was successfully replanted and given proper care by my owners, and hopefully it will bloom next year, it seems quite happy with the move and the bush infront of it will turn crimson red in the fall, it will be so pretty. I helped with the digging and below the rhododendron is where I rest my head when the sun is too hot, I managed to move the mulch up on the shelf by leaning my face on it haha. I love this shade. But more pictures which allow me to show where I get my paws all muddy comming soon, Hihi.