The snow has been insanely high, one couldn't walk in it, I had to jump up the path all the way, really fun, but exhausting hehe. But all this "bunny hopping" exercise makes me really happy haha.
Snow is simply just the best thing ever. Even when my owners need to walk before me to make a path in avalanched snow, when I see them falling in the path up to their belts, I have no problem waiting for the stomped snow path they are making for me haha. But everything about the snow is fun! And my owners act like happy kids when we are outside also, which makes it even better. Tara and Emma cannot wait for us to come around and play in the snow, we bring this cheerful playful energy which everyone adores about us, even when we make their house completely wet with pawprints hehe. It's kinda funny knowing that Maja's parents house is always so clean and there are two huge dogs living there, but when I come around I make a mess within a few minutes haha, I cannot help it, my paws are furry and happy. Good thing my owners are so considerate and clean up after me, hihi. But then again, with fun like this, how can one stay dry in the snow, hihi.
We borrowed the neighbours orchard, since the area there is steeper and not as planted as ours, and poor Tara is scared of walking straight down since her knee problems, so she wisely just observes. Once she gets down to you, it's lots of worried kisses and licks from her, poor gal, she is such a huge worryball, she just needs everyone too be safe, awww cute. My owners borrowed a snow shovel, which they put to better use then shoveling snow with it haha.
But to go back to my fur being really damaged and dry, even with all the care and grooming, my owners decided to do something drastic! Something I could never imagine! They cut off all my fur! All of it! My back, my belly and my butt is now naked! Hehe. The only part that has some long fur is my ears and paws, since Maja decided that spending 7 hours having to lay still and cutting out the annoying sticky fur was enough. But I have to admit, when we took my new hairdo out for a test drive, being able to run around free without feeling like I have chewing gum under my armpits, I felt FREE!!. Man oh man was I running, peing, running, digging, running and being happy! It just feels so amazing not being in any discomfort. I am aware we are not done with grooming, my feet and my head are still left but so far so good. I look ridicules tho haha, my butt is so tiny, my tail looks like a rat's tail and my legs are slim and long haha, but yet I am still so incredibally cute. We don't have a picture of me just yet, since I had a bath after the walk and haven't dried yet. So a picture soon, I promise.