Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Xmas gifts are an awesome thing

Yesterday I was finally allowed to open mine! After stealing it so many times I finally got to open it and play with it, but after a while I got tired and a fell asleep hehe. My owners had a really nice evening also, they unwrapped their gifts and also got two amazing sweaters from norway, which I had to sniff like crazy since I didn't know the smell, they were giggling and being happy, while I squeeked my toy around them hihi. What a beautiful xmas eve.
My sausage squeeking toy gift, I love it!

Tonight was family xmas dinner and lots of gifts and food was prepared. I couldn't taste any of the goodies since I am still on a diet, but I was such a good boy, I just layed down and slept under their chairs. Other dogs got gifts from my owners also, Lyra got a tiny football, Spot got a tiny hedgehog and Tara and Emma both got a bag of their favorite cookies, one bag for each. What a lovely evening it was. But I have to admit, the cutest thing was the little mushrooms which they baked. Magnus chose them from a picture, so once they were done they looked even cuter then in the baking books picture.
Mushroom cookies, that are just so cute and look so real.
And I have to admit, I didn't really hate wearing a tie tonight, since it made me look like a gentleman.

Being cute and playful on the chair

Trying to sniff what Magnus has in his hand hihi

Monday, 24 December 2012


'Tis the season to be jolly..how how how how how how how.

Christmas have arrived, and as we all know the smell of candy, tea and spruce trees is everywhere.
The town is covered with beautiful lights, which eluminate our late night walks and make my owners really cheerful. Unfortunatelly there is no more snow, so this christmas we will be dry and warm. The temperatures got really low but have climbed back up to 10 degrees plus today. Nice sunny day. All our gifts have been sent and many received, thank you everyone!

I have learnt how to play the piano in the living room, when trying to steal my gift from under the tree. Hihi. Ed and Liza are more interested in the ornaments, which they try and throw down on the floor and play with them, but my owners once again anticipated that and all our ornaments are plastic and unbreakable hehe. Once the sun goes down and it gets all dark, we turn on the lights on the tree and the lights around the apartment and enjoy the xmas spirit even more. This is our tree this year.

Most of our gifts have been sent up to the vineyards today, since some family members are very religious and celebrate xmas with their families, we will all reunite tomorrow and enjoy the dinner with Tara and Emma. We love this time of the year!

A few weeks ago, when it was still snow, we tested out my new fleece, and I just have to show how adorably silly I look in it haha, I hate it from the bottom of my heart, but it saves me from pain and frostbite. My owners still find it utterly cute though haha.

So yeah, that's me in the snow...only humans can be so cruel and dress me in something this silly and tell me it's good for me, which it is, but I bet wolfs would never wear this, and I consider myself the sofa version of a wolf...as long as I get my food served and I can sleep on the bed haha.

Happy holidays everyone!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Cakepops, snow and peach cookies

Yesterday it started snowing like crazy, so at around 23 o'clock we decided to go to the park and celebrate the winter. Noone was there, completely empty and freshly covered in white. We ran and played and threw snowballs for a while, then headed home and went to sleep.

Today, we decided to go up to the vineyards, we got on our winter gear, which makes us warm as if we are going on a polar expedition haha. I hate my coat, but it helps me so much, my body doesnt ache from snowballs that start forming on my fur. With the coat, it's only my head, ears and paws which get snow on, but it doesn't prevent me from diving into snow and playing around like I want too. And how I played, oh man, I was having fun! The snow was almost up to people's knees, which means a lot of jumping for me hihi.

I know my owners ordered me a new coat, made outta fleece, but still waterproof, I will hate it! But I bet it will make me feel good in the long run. But they think it is soooo cute. Hehe people.

Once we got up, all tired and warm from the walk, owners decided to test out some recipes and new edable colors. So we made cookies! So many good cookies, which I am not allowed to even taste. BOOO. But it is worth it if it will make me healthy.

Peach cookies and rumball cakepops we made hihi

Monday, 3 December 2012

Oh what a monday...

Early in the morning, around 5:30 Maja and I woke up, waking Mags up, asking if he felt that shake, and right after we felt a very hard shake and doors, windows and items vibrated for a few seconds. My first earthqueake! I have never felt it so strong, even tho it wasn't very strong, only about 3.9 Richter scale, I did bark and got a little frightened. After it was done, my owners made me sleep again and the day continued normally.

Untill a few hours ago, when our town joined in the protests which are going on around the country. Not to worry, my owners made sure we are all home safe and that I am not scared. The other towns have it worse of, but so far not much bad happened at our city hall. We did hear a huge bang earlier and I went into guard mode, but since then it's been quite quiet. If we were in Maribor things would be a bit diffirent, since they are burning the goverment buildings and there is a lot more police on the streets. Here in our town, its only the townhall being guarded and people are civilised and protesting in peace. Even if it got to be dangerous and riots broke out, we are still safe at home and nothing can happen, afterall it is people who are protesting the goverment and not other people.

On another note, today I got my new food, my very very expensive vetenary food, which got us a little present from the vets office. My first aid kit for dogs, amazing little package that includes everything needed if I get hurt. On fridays visit, we noticed the ears are cronically inflammed and since we really need to stop with drops and antibitiocs, the new vet examined me. She is specilised in dermathology and has told me I am going to get petted which she examined my armipits, ears and paws. Not so bad, the bad part is, she has now put me on a strict diet, no table food! None! I'd rather take drops then no yummy food, but...has to be done. Boo. So now for two months, I don't get any snacks, treats or yummy human food. I think Maja is more devostated then me, we have our little routine while eating. But we have to rule out food allergies once and for all. I did also get a new food storage box with the food, which has a lid that I have learnt to push open and steal a bit, if left a bit open, hihi.