Winter is comming, we can smell it in the air, the leaves are colored yellow and the forests are starting to become naked. The weather is very unbalanced, yesterday it was so cold and foggy, we couldn't see far ahead, but today it's sunny again and warm. They are annuncing snow this weekend, wonder if it will happen. I am ready for winter, I have the new Hurtta overall coat, which hides most of my body from the cold, but it would be more fun if Magnus was here for the first snow, since him and I throw ourselfs on the ground and make snow angels. Well he does, I just jump on him and bark and we roll in the snow haha. Magnus is working in Norway again, but this time for only a few weeks, so I am not too sad, tho it was hard the first day. I have however taken advantage of his side of the bed, streching out completely when I sleep, being joined by Ed and Liza.
Sadly Maja and I weren't able to drive him to the airport, since I am ill and unable to receive the rabies shot untill my ear is healed and I am of the antibiotics, which ofcourse meant I wasn't able to go o another country at the point of his departure.
Yesterday at the vet's office, it was confirmed my eardrum has healed 80%, but we need to go back tomorrow, to decided on further treatment or if we are stopping with the pills. Ofcourse to my dislikeness we do have to continue with the annoying liquid antibiotic, which I really hate and now I have to get my other ear cleaned everyday till tomorrow also. Boo. But I am healthy and we were really lucky, many dogs die due to the infection spreading to the brain and I cannot complain if it's a little uncomfortable being in treatment.
Will update tomorrow on how the vet's decided, till then, we are going to take advantage of the sunny day yay.