...is serious business. Hihi. But to begin with my day. We overslept our alarms and woke up at 10, so it was a bit hotter then we wanted it to be. But we packed the iPad and our waters and left the house, the temperature outside was high already, but we still went. Maja keeps checking my head if I am running in the sun, so I don't get too hot. But before we knew it, jumping from shade to shade where there walked, we were in the forest. Hadn't met any animals, but we could hear them all over. We made one big stop, to drink and relax, we figured it was smart with the air being this hot. When we arrived, I just layed down under the kitchen table and listened to the people talking. After a while, Maja and I headed down to the forest to water our veggies and plants. I got to play with the hose again, spraying it all over me, making me unimaginably dirty hihi. Love it! But it was lunch time so we had to go back up and eat, no complaints there hihi.
Lunch over so it's time for some serious work, we took a metal pot with us so we could make a little pool for birds or animals to drink from, with fresh water from our brook. It's a tiny brook, with cold fresh water, which get's very dry during summer, but there is always water in it. As we started digging out a path in the water, we got greeted by a
freshwater crab! Never saw a crab before. Maja held it up for me so I could sniff it, but eh...it smelled like water and mud. But not as bad as me hihi. I was told to be gentle and slow around it, so we don't hurt it...and I was.
Mr. Crab |
Me walking so slow to it that he is not even in the pic hihi |
Respecting eachothers space |
After we gathered enough water in the semi called pool we made, we put it in so it got cooled and refreshed, but we took him out in case he wanted to go to his "home", since the brook's water wasn't flowing thru the pool and onwards to the forest yet. Maybe he will be in the pool next time we go check. After the meeting with crab, we started clearing out the forest, we set free the baby spruce trees by cutting older invasive branches of other trees around, we worked hard, for about 6 hours. We were exhausted, but we had to water the plants again, since today was 36 degrees they needed a little more then usual. After everything was watered enough to last two days, we headed back up to put things we used away, the tools and gloves needed to be in their place for next time we go work hihi. We made a few pictures and I look pretty as usual hihi.
Checking out watermelons, wanting to play with them hihi |
Water hose + watermelon mulch = proof on ears and beard;) |
Playing with the next best thing, unripe apples |
Just posing coz I am cute hihi |
I am the best digger in the wolrd! |
Tilting head for uber cutness hihi. |
Once we sorted everything, we started walking down, I was chasing around the pinecone I found and once we got to the road, we met a squirrel up on a nut tree, she was a loud eater! Hihih. She ran away with her huge nut, tiny body and very fluffy tail, kept making chewing sounds though haha. By the river with met Flor, who wasn't as happy to see me as I was to see her, but I know better then to annoy the lady. Dinner was gone superfast and then I just...fell asleep.