Saturday, 26 May 2012

Sleepover update

Emma is already at home and if I know her well, she is sleeping like a polar bear haha. Ysterday was so much fun! Let me start at the begining.

Maja went up to get her, since it was quite a hot day, my owners didn't want me to walk up, then down, then a long walk again, so Magnus and I went for a short walk to meet them half way. We took a diffirent path, thru the Pelican way below the castle, it's a very pretty path, where there is a tree with our names curved in, from last year. All of the sudden I stopped and started observing and barked a few times, I saw girls! I ran and jumped and made silly sounds when I saw Maja and Emma! Emma yaaaay, she was running down to me, kissing me, exploring the forest, sniffing and playing. We walked back home and on that specific bridge, the steps are made of metal and have tiny holes in them and Emma was really scared of walking on them, but she eventually made it over, she saw it was a little safer when a small puppy passed her without a problem. Silly girl haha. We got home, we played, drank lots of water and enjoyed eachothers company. And then after a couple of hours of rest and the best dinner with probiotic yogurt and boiled egg (I get two eggs per week so my fur is pretty)...

The long walk with Flor! She is a shy lady, she isn't as playful yet, so we respected her need to be a little distant and we enjoyed the river, while running and walking next to her. We kept swimming, all the time, when we could get into water, we were in it! Emma was running, she is the kind of dog, one would use for therapy, she is the most "zen" dog you'll ever meet in life, but today, oh dear, today she was a runing little ball of fur. Once she ran and didn't see the long leash Flor had and tripped, fell right on her back after flipping over the string haha, crazy little girl, she shook it off and continue playing and running. We met a few dogs, who she was playing with and chasing them, like a puppy, like me hehe. The best walk we had with Emma so far.
That was so much fun, such nice weather and amazing company. Once we got home, my owners bathed her with the new shampoo and started grooming her, she fell asleep on Magnus' side of the bed and me, well... I took this opportunity to sleep next to my best friend, I leaned my tiny head on her shoulder and slept in perfect harmony.
We were so adorable, as if we were hugging while sleeping, and we even respected the owners need to sleep, so we left them room for one person on the bed haha. But after a while, when Maja was done grooming her, all that was done while she was a sleep haha, even her nails were clipped and she didn't even bother complaining since she was so tired, Maja decided to join us, which was quite the challange.
My owners were squised like sardins, while Emma and I both had our own pillow and lots of streching room, and as silly as it sounds, dogs getting more room, my owners get this really relaxing feeling when they sleep close to us, the little doggy snores, the sighs and yawns, it's just a happy relaxing thing for them. But when I fell asleep on Emma side, so loving and without a disturbance relaxed, the humans didn't care of they had no room to sleep, they got so happy, the true happiness, which almost makes one cry since it's so amazingly pure. Us animals, who wish noone any harm or stress, and all we want to do is please and love, we have that effect on humans, atleast my humans hihi.

When morning came, Emma decided to wake up Maja the same way I do, by flipping on the side and digging myself to her, the diffirence is 20 kilos haha, so when she kinda rolled over Maja, she was awake haha, kissing her and lovingly making the growling sounds and not letting her sleep anymore, since we needed love haha. Once the humans gave us breakfast, they saw the day was starting to get really hot, and since little oversized Emma had a little limp after the long walks, they didn't want to over do it, so we headed back to the vineyards in the morning hours. The limp was gone, was probably just a sore muscle since she ran more in a day then entire month haha. Once we got up, Tara was a angry and loving, sniffing us and telling us she missed us! And Emma, well she went back to being herself, lazy and cute, she will probably be sleeping quite a bit to get the rest after the walks haha.

Ofcourse my owners being my owners, they forgot to take the camera on the walk, but luckily Flor's owners didn't, so we borrowed two pictures, from their blog, I hope they don't mind:)
Just a little wet from the river hehe
Playing in such speed, she was lifting dust around her hihi

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Doggysiting week

Yesterday was a very scary day, the husband of Maja's sister was in a bad car accident, and if it werent for the car being huge and safe, he'd not have gotten away with a few bruises, unlike the driver who hit him. He will be completely okay, once the pain stops from the impact, we are very glad.

To make things easier we took Lyra, to sleep over, since the poor girl was stressed also and it gave people time to relax and rest after a hard day. She was so cute, we even bathed her, but most of all she played with me like crazy and then slept like a little piglet with all four paws in the air hihi. Now she is soft and smells amazing, she didn't even complain much, but she didn't want to have her teeth cleaned, so I took her share of the toothpaste, I just cannot resist that chicken toothpaste hehe.

At 5am in the morning she decided she was a guard dog and went on a barking rampage, which ofcourse I had to contribute to also hihi, owners almost had a heart attack, woken up by two very barky dogs haha. Why she barked? I have no idea, but it was fun to make some morning noise haha. We got such an amazing dinner also, with boiled eggs and lots and lots of snacks in between playing. And today, today was lazy, we mostly slept and barely played, somehow we burnt the energy yesterday. I was kind enough to let Lyra sleep on all my sleeping places, and she absolutely loved my pillow, she spent most of her sleeping time on it. Ed and Liza weren't the happiest with us, since they had to be in the other room, bathroom and kitchen, behind closed doors, coz Lyra is a little scared of cats and barks at them. And we don't want any cat scratches on her tiny cute face hihi. She is home now, with her owners, sleeping off the playing and snacking. And the cats, well they complained a lot but then fell asleep in our bedroom and relaxed, hehe I guess they don't know what tomorrow is here and they are back to the other room. Please don't feel bad for them tho, they do have 60m2 to be in while being behind closed door haha, so it's not like they are in a cage, just away from us, so much for cats being solitary animals...haha right!

Tomorrow we are going to the vineyards, to pick up Emma, it's her turn for the bathing and spa treatment. Her fur is getting really long again and she is in need of a cut, the summer will be extremely hot and the poor girl needs not to be annoyed by the heat. Besides, she loves to be groomed, the only problem is, hehe my owners won't have any room on the bed once Emma and I fall alseep on it, hehe and we will! A few sad looks and maybe a little cry and we'll be able to get away with everything, to a limit ofcourse, but yes, we do know how to get spoiled haha.

Evening will be nice, we are going to meet the owner of Sophie, they did an amazing thing after the tragedy, they adopted a really pretty troubled girl, who needed to be loved like Sophie was, and tomorrow we will meet her for the first time, if all goes well. Sophie will always be remembered, but it's wonderful how much love everyone had for her, so much that they saved a life of a very mistreated doggy girl, who is now dealing with her fears and playing with people who won't hurt her. What a beautiful thing that is. Her name is Flor, she is an Ibizan Hound, cannot wait to see her really, I bet she smells nice hihi. Oh there will be so much sniffing, oh yeah, there is a new girl in town.

I will update about tomorrow soon, but before I go back to bed, a little picture preview of the gardening project we are doing, keep in mind it's not complete or even close to being finished, but slowely it's starting to get some plants and ofcourse, I removed all the roots and helped with digging! hihi, afterall this is about two meters higher then it was a few months ago, I worked hard, afterall someone needed to bring back all the rocks and sticks that were thrown into the forest, what if owners threw away something they needed, a second look is always a wise idea! But now I am not allowed to dig just anywhere, booo, haha.This picture shows me in the corner where my owners are trying to grow corn, I don't think they expected all of the seeds to grow, and now there are 30 tiny corn plants, yum yum cooked corn with butter and salt! Oooh yum. Behind me is the white Magnolia tree, and I really want to explore what is under the rocks, but I am not allowed hihi, and I am not allowed to jump over edges or run over many rules! Haha, I guess they compensate with it's okay, I guess, hihi.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Rain and limp

After a few days of my front leg hurting, we don't know why, didn't find a cause, I feel better and happy to get dirty again. Hehe my owners took this rest from long walks and running, to give me a bubble bath and clean me up well. And today, after two days of having the anti tick pipette, I jumped into the water, hihi. Oh well, hope it was enough time for the thing to get into my blood system. The weather has been insane here, so extremely warm and today thunders, I got scared of one and started barking, while rain was pouring down my fur. But my owners being kind as they are, when we drove back I was wrapped into a blanket and warm. Not much has been going on this week, we took it slow, even tho we miss the long walks in nature, meeting deer everytime we are in the forest, but we made up for it with good food and lots of naps, Oh! and not to forget lots and lots of grooming, till today, when I am dirty again, I was completely silky and without a knot in my fur, which is rare for me, since I am such a piggy hehe.

 I know Cesar Millan wouldn't agree with me sitting on a chair while there is food on the table, but I am well mannered and never steal it, promise! Hihih. And besides, nothing takes away paw pain like a good warm pizza hihi.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

A sad day...

Tonight a dark emotion filled the room, as we heard the news of little Sophie's death.
You all remember her and we always will. She died of poisoning, while on vacation with her owners.
Cres is an island in Croatia, where hunters put down strong poisons hidden in sausages to kill of the Marten's which hunt rabbits, making it easier for them to shoot rabbits for fun.

Everyone knows how repulsed we are with hunting and how against we always were and tonight, with this tragedy, we are overflown with saddnes and anger.

Sophie was still considered a puppy, she wasn't 18 months old yet and was a very good dog, very loved by every dog she met, including me who saw her last a few weeks ago while she was on a walk, but mostly she was adored by her owners, who went to extreme lenghts to make her life as fun and as beautiful as she deserved. They went to doggy school and were really close to taking the obidience test, which she would master, pretty little gal. And now, due to someone's selfish reasons she is dead, while her owners and the vetenerian couldn't stop, trying everything they could, the poison was extreme and fast. Our hearts, tears and condolences go out to the owners, and everyone who knew her.

Sad day for the world, we lost another beautiful, passionate, playful soul, whose life was ended too quickly. We are going to miss her badly, and her tiny little tail.

Rest In Peace 
little Sophie
2011 - 2012

We love you and we will miss you always.
Pascal, Magnus and Maja