Yesterday, we went to the vetenarian's office for a control examination of my ears, too see if I will need surgery or if the medication worked. But before I tell you that, I need to brag about how unbelievably good I have become when my ears are being handled. First two days, I had to be forced into cleaning and getting the drops, but then Magnus and Maja said no more of this and spoke to me, silently explaining to me how it will be quick and how it is good for me and what do you know...I changed my attitude, at first I did complain a bit but after it was just "okay, do it" and it was done. So we cleaned the ears every two days and gave me drops twice per day and yesterday it all seemed worth it!
Dr. Victoria told us to go to the exam room one and Maja and I went in alone...I went into major panic, actually pulled a David Copperfield on the harness and wanted to run away hihi. But Maja pulled me in and ensured me it will be fast and painless. And so we went in and I showed my ears (oh yes, can you believe it, I sat there and let them stick the otoscope into my ears without going beserk).
My ears were looking a lot better and I don't need anything else but cleaning the ears with the special cleaner for a while and to use these drops till they are gone. How lovely is that!
We also bought new food and went home, where I slept for hours after, hard nervous day was finally over. We don't need to go to the vet anymore unless we are buying new food. That makes me happy hihi.
Today was a very disciplined day though, after the walk, we decided...well they decided to make me look like a shaved sheep hehe. I was being groomed for 6 hours to get a "puppy cut", all my curls are gone boooo, but it had to be done, this way I will not walk like a sumo wrestler when it's snow outside and I will enjoy running around in the snow like I should. I don't really enjoy wearing dog jackets, so this way I can avoid it, if not, my owners want to get me the dog jumpsuit, but I don't think it will be needed hihi. We have learnt from last year that it is not the smartest to be hairy in the winter. My butt looks so tiny now and my paws are like cuddly clouds, I am still pretty...just less hairy.
It is fascinating how I have this unlimited energy and am always running around or jumping or wanting to play, but yet manage to sit, lay and stand still for 6 hours to have my fur shortened...reason why it takes so long is because we don't shave me, if we did, my fur would get all wooly and ugly when it grew out. I am being groomed like a dogshow puppy and I prefer it to the buzzing of the shaving machine.
So all is good in the kingdom of pupster and all I want to see now is the snow again.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Rabies and ears
Today was a very stressful day for me, we went to the vet to get the yearly rabies shot, but that is not all.
When we arrived, I saw where we were going and started shaking, I did not want to enter the office. Maja jokes I am like Magnus when it comes to going to the doctors office hihi. With my entire body shaking of fear, I stood on the scale and we realised I am 19,5 kilos...only hihi. If I was a normal sized cocker, I'd be fat but since I am so oversized, I look elegantly athletic. The first thing the vetenarian said was how beautifuly groomed my haircut is. We entered the exam room, where I literally wanted to jump out the window just to get away. I did not want to be there or touched. Dr. Rok listened to my heart and measured my temperature, which I HATE! Every dog does! My cute little butt is my buisness and for smelling only!
Now the awful part! My ears... I do not like when people touch my ears, Mags and Maja are the only ones who are allowed to even brush them, yes I am a sensitive boy! So the nice doctor took a look into them, and oh yes, it started...Major panic. He eventually stopped and a nice lady came in with a Otoscop to shine into my ears and look at them closely...then I went into a panic state and had to be pinned down so I wouldnt fall of the table or hurt myself...massive hysteria...such as never before seen by me.
Reason why I had to get my ears examined is because I have a bad ear infection, yeast bacteria, which swell my left ear quite badly. Maja felt really bad, since she combs my ears everyday and cleans them regulary that she missed it, but when she petted them I always made cute noises of enjoyment. And now, I have to have them disinfected and rubbed antibiotic drops in them...soooo not my thing. Boooo. The lady vetenarian Victoria, who is the girlfriend of Rok said my ears are as soft as a plush toy, that she could cuddle them all day. Hellll nooo! My ears are sacred! Such a lousy vet visit, that panic took out a lot of energy and the silly part is, when I got the shot, I didn't even feel it, honestly I didn't even notice anything being done to me, since all I wanted was to hide and go home.
My ear canal is apperently quite infected, so they prescribed Otodine ear disinfecter 3 times per week...Oh joy!
And these drops twice per day...I don't think I have ever hated anything as much as I hate ear drops and ear cleaning solutions. This will not be my best 10 days thats for sure. And to top it off, when the 10 days is over we go back to the vet for an examination. Booooo.
When any cocker owner thinks about cocker ears, they think troubles, we are very prone to infections and I consider myself lucky being only now when I got my first. There was a moment of laughter when we were in the examination room, the Vet Victoria asked if I ever get any forest seeds or grass parts stuck in my ears and fur to see if it can be an allergy...hahaha...Everytime I am outside, I bring half the forest back with me, making it quite the job for my owners to make me look "groomed" again...I am a little piglet and that's why I am so loved, cuddled and groomed...last part is not by my owners choice I guarantee you that. Maja calls me her little Barbie doll and I have already heard her say that I am getting a "puppy cut" hairdo after this vet stuff is over to avoid snowballs on my fur during winter...
But to end the post with a positive note, I got my favorite snacks at the vets and enjoyed the ride home in my fashionable seat-belt harness.
When we arrived, I saw where we were going and started shaking, I did not want to enter the office. Maja jokes I am like Magnus when it comes to going to the doctors office hihi. With my entire body shaking of fear, I stood on the scale and we realised I am 19,5 kilos...only hihi. If I was a normal sized cocker, I'd be fat but since I am so oversized, I look elegantly athletic. The first thing the vetenarian said was how beautifuly groomed my haircut is. We entered the exam room, where I literally wanted to jump out the window just to get away. I did not want to be there or touched. Dr. Rok listened to my heart and measured my temperature, which I HATE! Every dog does! My cute little butt is my buisness and for smelling only!

Reason why I had to get my ears examined is because I have a bad ear infection, yeast bacteria, which swell my left ear quite badly. Maja felt really bad, since she combs my ears everyday and cleans them regulary that she missed it, but when she petted them I always made cute noises of enjoyment. And now, I have to have them disinfected and rubbed antibiotic drops in them...soooo not my thing. Boooo. The lady vetenarian Victoria, who is the girlfriend of Rok said my ears are as soft as a plush toy, that she could cuddle them all day. Hellll nooo! My ears are sacred! Such a lousy vet visit, that panic took out a lot of energy and the silly part is, when I got the shot, I didn't even feel it, honestly I didn't even notice anything being done to me, since all I wanted was to hide and go home.
My ear canal is apperently quite infected, so they prescribed Otodine ear disinfecter 3 times per week...Oh joy!
And these drops twice per day...I don't think I have ever hated anything as much as I hate ear drops and ear cleaning solutions. This will not be my best 10 days thats for sure. And to top it off, when the 10 days is over we go back to the vet for an examination. Booooo.
When any cocker owner thinks about cocker ears, they think troubles, we are very prone to infections and I consider myself lucky being only now when I got my first. There was a moment of laughter when we were in the examination room, the Vet Victoria asked if I ever get any forest seeds or grass parts stuck in my ears and fur to see if it can be an allergy...hahaha...Everytime I am outside, I bring half the forest back with me, making it quite the job for my owners to make me look "groomed" again...I am a little piglet and that's why I am so loved, cuddled and groomed...last part is not by my owners choice I guarantee you that. Maja calls me her little Barbie doll and I have already heard her say that I am getting a "puppy cut" hairdo after this vet stuff is over to avoid snowballs on my fur during winter...
But to end the post with a positive note, I got my favorite snacks at the vets and enjoyed the ride home in my fashionable seat-belt harness.
Even dipping my ears into waterbowl after is less fun :( |
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Saturday, 8 October 2011
Chestnuts and vines
Grapepicking on the second vineyard |
So off we went to the vineyards by car to help, picking the drygrapes out and eating the ones on the doggies that is, humans were busy working as usual hihi.
The whole bunch of us met up there again, Lyra, Tara, Emma, Spot and me were playing, chasing and ofcourse getting as dirty as possible. It shows that the winter is getting closer, the temperatures were very low today, cold brrrr, but with a little sun it heated up nicely and yesterdays rain dissapeared and left just enough mud for me to enjoy it like a little piglet hihi.
It's nice and very cozy, and an abundance of food, with people very willing to give it to us beggers around the table. Not a habbit dog owners like, but it's a special occasion so we are tolerated hihi.
Klemen, Magnus and Maja decided to gather some chestnuts from the forest, which they eat roasted or cooked, me, I am more of a meat eating dog, but I helped gather. Emma, Lyra and Tara stayed bit away from us, since they dont like the poking feeling of their pads...pff such girly girls hehe. Me, I had no problem running up and down those spikey shells, with my fur I even carried some.
Leaves are staring to change color |
We picked the smallest terrase to play on, ofcourse |
I might have dug a hole or two |
Hole digging? Noo waayyyy |
I don't understand why one would eat this and not meat |
Please no kisses, my picture is being taken! |
Wait with love, lemme pose pretty! |
Fine, you kiss me, I'll look cute in front of you then! |
Tara the guard dog hihi, avoiding getting her paws hurt |
Emma finding a spot where there is no chestnut seeds |
Looking pretty in the sunrays |
Dirty, fed, sitting on a chair getting an ear rub...What a life! |
Very exciting day, but now, I am laying on the bed on my back, feet up in the air, oh yes all four of them, sleeping like there is no tomorrow, toooo muuuchhh food and play hehe.
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