Oh dear, I haven't posted in a very long time, almost a month!
So much has been happening so let me start at the beginning of the month.
At one of our walks by the river we met a german terrier girl, who didn't like dogs and she went at my neck and bit me, no blood or anything but she just kept attacking me with the intent to hurt. I cried and got really scared since this was the first time I have been in pain by another dog. Ever since that incident I am a bit less tolerant to dogs and I just try and ignore them, even those I used to play with, althought I am gettng back into the whole happy to see doggies routine hihi.
Middle of the month was the biggest test for me, my owners went to Norway and for the first time I was without them. I was without them for four days, 4 whole days! And nights! Klemen, their friend was doggysitting me and we had loads of fun, he was even kind enough to live here with me and the cats so we wouldn't be stressed out too much. He spoiled me, oh yes he did, he made me special dinners with chopped raw liver and fried me eggs...Since then I demand some extra goodies for my dinner hihi. I was spoiled.
That weekend I was visiting Maja's parents in the morning of friday and monday when he had to work, so I spent a lot of time with Tara and Emma. Ofcourse I wouldn't be me if I didn't bother her mom for throwing me a stick that I can fetch, but she did and we had a great time. It was very confusing time tho, I didn't know what was going on and where my owners were, when they were comming back for me and why I was left behind. I was sad, but I was kept busy and taken out a lot of times per day to be tired and have fun. I spent a lot of time in the car also, just driving to places and enjoying the air conditioning hihi.
Missing my owners with sad eyes, but having fun outside |
Klemen and I got a free frisbee which was nice to chew on hihi |
Monday came and in the evening we were waiting for the sms from my owners to come pick them up as we had planned, so we sat in the car and drove about an hour to a very loud place. I saw airplanes and it was a lot of people. We drove from the parking and there they were! Those buggers, leaving me alone for days! I was happy and angry hihi. I cried and jumped and barked and I told them everything I had on my mind. I am way too adorable to be left behind damnit! Hihi.
At the airport parking, after greeting I had to mark I was there:) |
We sat in the car and drove home, I slept most of the time on Maja's lap and listened to Klemen tell how indiscribably good I was. Magnus kept petting me and telling me I was missed. They were so proud of me for being so shockingly good with everyone, so I got a lot of kisses. Klemen told how I didn't even need to be on a leash 95% of the time, since I walked so nicely with him everywhere, crowded public places and out in the open. Maja's parents said it's not normal to be so disciplined and well behaved and most of all as Cesar Millan would say, I am balanced! I am one year and only a few months old and people notice how behaved I am, Sophies owner even called me a "zen dog" hihi. But damn was I dirty when they came home, I smelled so bad, since us two boys didn't bother with showering me for that long weekend, I obtained a nice dog smell haha.
When we arrived home, we unpacked a few of their things and I had to smell everything since it was so many new smells which I never smelled before. And then we slept till noon, well I did, I needed the rest since this was quite stressful for me, I have to admit.
Days passed and I was slowely getting back into my normal routine, I wasn't scared everytime one my owners left the house, I knew they would be back for me.
I got new food with salmon and a good scrub with the new shampoo. I will need some time to get back to normal, but I am getting there little by little everyday. I do shake a lot when I am scared or excited, but we do a lot of fun stuff together so I am slowely losing the fears I gotten since I had to be without them.
It's very easy to spot that I am not completely myself, since they once joked that if I ever refuse to eat, they will know something is very wrong. And it happened, I am very reserved when it comes to food, I need to be told to eat out of my food bowl and if we are playing with a tennis ball and I get offered a cookie, I just spit it out and continue to play. Something I have never done before their vacation.
A few days after their returned, we were doggysitting little Sophie, the kiddo has so much energy that we had to take a long walk, a really long walk with her, but she wants to play rough and I have to tell her I dislike it, so when I got tired, yes me not her hehe, Maja just played with her, while I went to sleep haha. She is really cute and tiny tho, so when I see her I get very happy. We actually met them yesterday on our walk, it was raining but we always enjoy the outdoors anyways. She has those baby needle teeth and no park manners yet...oh those puppy days were fun! She is already in school tho, and is behaving very nicely on the leash, good girl:).
For a few days in the afternoon, we went up to the vineyards to help out, me by brining all those slippery wet sticks back to their land and my owners by putting nets on the grapevines so that the birds and the hale won't destroy them. Once we got caught by rain and we walked soaking wet home, that was fun, I was sooooo muddy, oh they joy hihi. But then the dread happens, a good shower and grooming..oh how I hate being combed, when one of my owners says they will groom me, I just go sleep under a table where they can't reach me. I am not a girl! I don't like being all pretty and clean hehe. Has to be done tho, my long ears especially. Since I have the talent of bringing half the forest with me in my fur, hidden very deep in knots I suffer a lot with having to sit still and look fresh haha. I don't feel the discomfort I just don't think it's fun hihi.
We were suppose to take a long trip this weekend but the rains in Slovenia are very awful at the moment, so we couldn't go into the mountains just yet. Soon I hear, in a couple of weeks. We will take so many pictures again hihi.
Those were my adventures for the month, but from now on I promise to keep everyone updated more frequently.