Monday, 27 December 2010
Happy holidays everyone!
I do apologize for not typing more lately, but we have been busy and having loads of fun! My first christmas was a blast, but my owners got all dolled up, looking pretty so they thought it would be cute if I wore something special also. So I had to wear a tie....booo, beinga true guy, I did manage to get it all dirty very quickly tho hihi. I hear I will need to wear a tie again, for new years...booo...we will take some pictures then so you will see just how cute I look when I'm all dressed up hihi. My owners said that since it's holidays I am allowed a lot of diffirent foods, which I wouldn't normally even get to taste, and...oh dear...was it yummy!!! I am going to go enjoy the holidays now and type soon, wish you all a very merry xmas and a jolly new year!
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Tuesday, 21 December 2010
'Tis the season to be...
It's been a while since I posted anything, but there was so much to do! To start at the begining of the update. We lost a roommate, which meant less snacks for me, but a whole other room and better energy overall. My owners got really excited about gaining the living room back so we decided to restore the apartment a bit, fresh buckets of paint and a lot less dust. I am a little cleaning/painitng assistant! When we decided to take on the task of cleaning the living room, it seemed like mission impossible, since it's such a huge room, filled with too many things. But yesterday we finished painting it. It's sooo big that I could have an agility course in it hihi. We sorted all the books, polished the floors, which are great to chase and slide on, running under the piano and around the bar is my new hobby. My biorhytem is really weird, I worked at night with Maja on the room, and during the day with both of my owners, so I could nonstop be there, tearing off the little sticking tapes from the floor (which prevent the plastic to ripping and the paint getting on the hardwood floor), Edko helped me also, we were a great team, creating trouble and getting paint all over our furs hihi. You could see paw prints all over the house. We been good hihi. I think Edko changed a bit, he is more relaxed now past few days, we slept together every night now and yesterday as I was busy in the living room, trying to kill the duster (small blue fluffy brush thingy) they use to remove the dust from all the books, he was busy killing our christmas tree hihihi. We found it on the floor. Good thing my owners are smart and all our decorations are plastic! Crazy christmas house. Walks are amazing, I have to wear my jacket, but that doesn't stop me from being all wet when I get home. Another huge benefit from completely fixing the house is the fact they are cleaning out every room, and they found a box of!!!!! I have about 20 new plush toys, that keeps me busy also, no toy will survive, so many are already missing an eye or a nose! So much fun, I am Pascal the toy destroyer hihi. We have also been visiting Tara and Emma, Tara is feeling great, she is back to her old self, they say, she is so playful now, pulling my tail and playfully growling at me while I growl back and we bark, she is loud, so it's even more fun. Imagine how cute we are during lunch, a rottweiler, golden retiver and a cocker barking and growling while chasing eachother...hihi loud and destructive! So much fun and good food.
Tara takes my entire head into her snout and I pretend to attack her, hehe who am I kidding I could win that battle but then Emma comes and rolls me around and both the girls tickle me. I am happy to announce that so far I haven't had a bad experience with anything, not with dogs, places or people. No bad memories or fears. Vet clinic doesnt count, it's like the dentist for people, you have to go but you dread it, and after it's done you fell great.
A lesson I have learnt, if your owners are painting and you are going crazy on the floors and their paint, you will get many snacks and chewy bones to keep you busy, so, go crazy and get snacks!
I will soon post some pictures so you don't forget how pretty I am. Oh nearly forgot...when we were buying the paint, the salesman said I look magnificant! That he has never seen such amazing fur on a cocker spaniel. Doh, I am awesome hihi. I am still growing tho, I am way to big for my breed, but like the veternerian said to my owners, thats what you get when you chose the largest pup in the litter hihi. I was double size of my brothers and sisters, hehe I am going to be huge! More love for me! Yay.
Christmas soon even tho I am not allowed to open other people's wrapped present, trust me I have tried, I know they are nice. I also hear christmas food will be amazing....oooooo tummy overeating pains...can't wait!
Posting again soon, need to go dirty the place now, it's been cleaned, that is just...Unacceptable hihi.
Tara takes my entire head into her snout and I pretend to attack her, hehe who am I kidding I could win that battle but then Emma comes and rolls me around and both the girls tickle me. I am happy to announce that so far I haven't had a bad experience with anything, not with dogs, places or people. No bad memories or fears. Vet clinic doesnt count, it's like the dentist for people, you have to go but you dread it, and after it's done you fell great.
A lesson I have learnt, if your owners are painting and you are going crazy on the floors and their paint, you will get many snacks and chewy bones to keep you busy, so, go crazy and get snacks!
I will soon post some pictures so you don't forget how pretty I am. Oh nearly forgot...when we were buying the paint, the salesman said I look magnificant! That he has never seen such amazing fur on a cocker spaniel. Doh, I am awesome hihi. I am still growing tho, I am way to big for my breed, but like the veternerian said to my owners, thats what you get when you chose the largest pup in the litter hihi. I was double size of my brothers and sisters, hehe I am going to be huge! More love for me! Yay.
Christmas soon even tho I am not allowed to open other people's wrapped present, trust me I have tried, I know they are nice. I also hear christmas food will be amazing....oooooo tummy overeating pains...can't wait!
Posting again soon, need to go dirty the place now, it's been cleaned, that is just...Unacceptable hihi.
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Sunday, 5 December 2010
...I admit...
...the coat is great and the gamashe worked as well, I wasn't very wet and had minimal amount of snowballs annoying me as I ran in the woods. But to start at the begining.
When they dressed me up, I admit, I was annoyed by the clothing, however when people were commenting how cute I was on the street, I started liking it. When we got to the path in the forrest, I went completly insane in the snow, I wasn't cold at all and it didnt pull my fur, so I was diving into the deepest snow with my whole head and raced around in front of my owners.
Maja's sister, Emma and Lyra waited for us on the road by the house, so I raced to them, adorable as I was in my new jacket, Nina pulled out a camera and started taking pictures of me. Seriously, how could she not, I mean, look at how adorable I am hihi. Proof:
Maja's parents said I looked like a cool dog and were giggling at my clothes, but since it's needed and practical, I am glad we got them, feels so much nicer to be able to run and not have to stop to get snowballs our of my fur for ages, pulling my hairs so it hurts. And most important, no showering after walks...yoohoooo.
All of us were shocked how Maja's invention (the hand stiched gamashe) actually survived the trip and didn't get damaged at all, not even after speed chasing Lyra. But being a dog, I value the trips to the vineyard house mostly because...well...the snacks ofcourse! Always a lot of snacks there, today we got schrimp cookies and chicken/seaweed...for some reason my owners give me only the best snacks possible, preferably 100% natural (omega 3, omega 6 and such things are on their minds), so my tummy doesn't feel yucky...hey..I am not complaining guys, keep them comming hihi.
When they dressed me up, I admit, I was annoyed by the clothing, however when people were commenting how cute I was on the street, I started liking it. When we got to the path in the forrest, I went completly insane in the snow, I wasn't cold at all and it didnt pull my fur, so I was diving into the deepest snow with my whole head and raced around in front of my owners.
Maja's sister, Emma and Lyra waited for us on the road by the house, so I raced to them, adorable as I was in my new jacket, Nina pulled out a camera and started taking pictures of me. Seriously, how could she not, I mean, look at how adorable I am hihi. Proof:
Path by the brook on the way, lots of dog pee to sniff hihi |
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Chasing Lyra, look at my butt curls, CUTE!!! |
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Emma and I, as always, very pretty best friends |
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See, I can stay completely dry if I want to... |
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...but I refuse to hihih |
All of us were shocked how Maja's invention (the hand stiched gamashe) actually survived the trip and didn't get damaged at all, not even after speed chasing Lyra. But being a dog, I value the trips to the vineyard house mostly because...well...the snacks ofcourse! Always a lot of snacks there, today we got schrimp cookies and chicken/seaweed...for some reason my owners give me only the best snacks possible, preferably 100% natural (omega 3, omega 6 and such things are on their minds), so my tummy doesn't feel yucky...hey..I am not complaining guys, keep them comming hihi.
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Saturday, 4 December 2010
Coats from hell...
My owners realised it's torturing me when we walk in snow and I get these huge snowballs stuck in my fur, making it frozen and I cannot walk properly or at what do these silly people do...they get me a coat. People are just mean! hihi
They went to the store and bought this winter jacket with a hoddie for dogs, I hate the damn thing, it makes me look fat! Then ofcourse Maja got the grand idea of sewing together leg warmers for me, like gamashe, which have a bow on top of my back to stay solid on my back legs...I look like a fisherman! Booooo. Tomorrow we are testing the clothes by walking in the woods to the lunch at Maja's parents, we will see, I have a feeling I will hate the damn thing even more.
On the first picture you can see my first battle scar, I dueled a cat we are catsitting for a few weeks, and he won, he ripped a line by my eye, was lucky not to be more hurt, but...a dog has to do what a dog has to do...which is cats hihi
Pffff...hoodies are ugly! |
Why would you do such a thing to me??? |
On the first picture you can see my first battle scar, I dueled a cat we are catsitting for a few weeks, and he won, he ripped a line by my eye, was lucky not to be more hurt, but...a dog has to do what a dog has to do...which is cats hihi
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