No wonder I am loved;) hihi
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Uber cute!
Maja's sister took amazing pictures of me at puppy school again, on which I am just a heartbreaker. I know I am always pretty but on these, she captures me as I am - Perfect!
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Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Sunshine after the rain
Finally the rain stopped and floods are getting under control, it was very scary for a few days, I once almost fell into the river, which would have been very disasterous, but luckily none of us got hurt and past two days have been sunny. Sunday was delightful, we visited Tara and Emma, which played with me, so we decided to visit them again yesterday and we also helped with picking apples, which was fun since everything that felt on the floor belonged to me, I got to eat and carry them around for hours.
Today was my school again, but before we went there we visited the vets office to get my favorite cookies and food, which can only be bought there, since they are the only ones in town which sell Arden Grange. We bought so many snacks for me, which ofcourse I took advantage of in class hihi.
Maja's sister took some pictures of us, on which I look quite majestic might I add;)
On the fourth picture you can see how happy I am to see Magnus after class and on others how nicely I have learned to sit, beg, pull (not allowed, but school was over hihi) and pose for the camera ;)
Today was my school again, but before we went there we visited the vets office to get my favorite cookies and food, which can only be bought there, since they are the only ones in town which sell Arden Grange. We bought so many snacks for me, which ofcourse I took advantage of in class hihi.
Maja's sister took some pictures of us, on which I look quite majestic might I add;)
On the fourth picture you can see how happy I am to see Magnus after class and on others how nicely I have learned to sit, beg, pull (not allowed, but school was over hihi) and pose for the camera ;)
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Saturday, 18 September 2010
Rain in Slovenia is so severe, it has flooded many of the cities and sea area and now it has reached us also, the river has gone mad and has almost flooded over in the park, but not just yet. However the smaller rivers which run into the biggest one in our town have flooded and covered most of the local viaducts and low roads, grabbing branches and smaller trees on the way and filling bridges with them.
Hopefully the rain will stop soon and we will be able to relax and finally be able to take normal walks.
Hopefully the rain will stop soon and we will be able to relax and finally be able to take normal walks.
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Thursday, 16 September 2010
Groomed feet and deja vu
It's late and I am asleep after a long playday with Lyra, which Maja found to be the perfect opportunity to learn how to groom my feet hihi. My black pads are now pretty and comfortable, as you can notice my fur is becoming quite fluffy lately so we need to get used to these cuttings and trimmings. I don't know if you remember when I arrived and said that one day, when I am able to climb on top of it, I will claim the couch, that day has come;).
this is an old pic from the start of july |
taken tonight, check my fresly groomed paws |
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Tuesday, 14 September 2010
School, Shroomies, Salamander and Toad
Yesterday's weather was perfect, sunny but not too hot with the smell of fruit in the air. So we did what I like to do most on days like this, we gathered up and went to search for mushrooms. As usual we drove about 30 minutes to the forest we like most, where we have our "fields" of mushrooms, those being the spots of the forest where we usually find one or two. Lyra and I run around like crazy, playing in the mudd and in the bushes while the people walk around. I am a funny pup tho, I never wander off to far, if I get more then ten meters away, I run back to my owners. Weird, but very good I hear. I met a toad, a big fat brown one, that kept hopping around, and when I tried to sniff her, she tried to pee on me haha, good thing I reacted and moved, since aparently it's acid and can really burn the eyes. We also met a salamander, which are indicators of cleaningness, they are rare if the forests are polluted, so I am glad our forests are clean.
there is a beautiful salamander behind me in the tree (look at how sleepy I am hihi) |
I have perfected mushroom gathering, I have learnt how to put my paw on them and flip them over without breaking or scratching the caps. It's the season for those perfect brown Porcinos, which is on top of Cantharellus the only mushroom we pick, it's quite hard to find any since they are the same color as leaves on the ground that have dropped off the trees. But when we spot a big one, it goes, if there is two - there is three, we always search for it's brothers and Magnus, Maja and me found the perfect little family of them, I found the third one by myself, if I didn't dig there to smell we'd have never found the third one hidding under the leaves, and next to that one there were four tiny ones, so adorable we just had to take a picture of our find.
We slept till late morning today, slacking and relaxing as much as we could since we were truly exhausted from yesterdays trip and in the afternoon I went to school again, where I really behaved, I was so pretty and it seems sometimes that I look older then I am, size and brain development wise hehe. Now I'm off to bed:)
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Sunday, 12 September 2010
Puppy class with a taste of agility
As my owners predicted my tummy was off and it took me a while to settle down, but when I did I started being really good. We even tried some agility, which my owners really want me to do when I am bigger and I really did great, I was so agile and cute! We tried it for the first time and we did it with food, so I wouldn't get scared of the tunnel or sticks, but I did it like a champ and we went another time, we were even asked to demonstrate how "sit" and "lay" is done, with a cookie ofcourse. For those who don't speak slovenian, "priden" means good boy, you can also hear my fan base saying how fast I do it and clapping from Magnus. I was good, cannot wait to start it for real next year.
We also tried the calling, which I did perfect, but Maja got excited and that is not allowed, since the pup needs to relax and calm down, but who can blame her, I was just so darn cute, check me out and you will hear the "no!" from the trainer when she starts petting me after I sit hehe, but hey...I still rocked it haha. This puppy school is more for the owners then me, since I am very good already, hihi ego alert;)
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Friday, 10 September 2010
Oh have I been a bad boy!
Yesterday we went for a long walk by the river shore, which is almost flooded to the point you cannot walk the plateau next to it. The rain has been so severe in Slovenia, that those paths are covered with wood debree and mudd, which I went crazy for, I ran into the water and swam with the lady ducks, who were trying to heat themself up in the grass of the shore. My mind became so obsessed with swimming, playing in the mudd, sniffing so much that my owners couldn't stop laughing about it. Ofcourse not to mention how badly I smelled...oh yes! Awful, but so amazing to me, I dont think I ever had so much fun in the river as I did yesterday.
When we got home I had to take a bath...dread!!! I don't like baths so I went into insanely playful barking and stealing all the towels they used on me just to show how much I don't like being bathed after such an amazaingly bad smell.
When the owners fell asleep, my playfulness didn't stop, afterall I did get some rest already and now my naughty batteries got recharged again, hihi. Since I was always such a good boy since I arrived, they never got me a crate, I always slept on my little pastel green bed or on the blanket next to it, and when I got bigger they allowed me to sleep next to their feet on their comfortable bed. Since I never destroyed anything in the house or showed any uncalculated behaviour, we all agreed I was allowed to walk around the house in case I needed to go pee where my diaper is in the hallway during the night. But now I have found a very fun thing to do...explore trash! Oh what fun that is, all I need to do is make a little hole at the bottom of the bag and scoop out anything I can find that catches my interest. And what did i do yesterday?
I woke Maja up at 5 am, with complaining and attention seeking, she woke up and we went to the bathroom, and much to her surprise she discovered what I have been up to. Ups! Busted!
She started laughing but then she realised that they were cleaning out some stuff from the fridge yesterday when they were baking pasteries and noticed I ate some old bread and an entire meat Burek!!! Burek is quite common pasterie origing from Turkish times, it's somewhat of a pie, made out of cheese, meat or potatos. They threw away a meat one, it's very greasy, very spiced and not a good idea to allow dog to eat. But I did, I could I was greasy, meaty and past the expiration date, what more can a naughty pup ask for? Haha. My tummy was like a little baloon and I had to drink every 5 minutes since that thing was so darn salty.
Oh yes I forgot to mention, I have school again today, and owners are afraid I will have the runs when we are there, hahaha upsi. I love being a puppy in this house. Oh and yes, you know how cocker spaniels have really long ears and dip them into everything they smell or eat? Oh yes you guessed it, my ears are now disgustingly greasy and smell like trash, haha, teenage years are fun.
When we got home I had to take a bath...dread!!! I don't like baths so I went into insanely playful barking and stealing all the towels they used on me just to show how much I don't like being bathed after such an amazaingly bad smell.
When the owners fell asleep, my playfulness didn't stop, afterall I did get some rest already and now my naughty batteries got recharged again, hihi. Since I was always such a good boy since I arrived, they never got me a crate, I always slept on my little pastel green bed or on the blanket next to it, and when I got bigger they allowed me to sleep next to their feet on their comfortable bed. Since I never destroyed anything in the house or showed any uncalculated behaviour, we all agreed I was allowed to walk around the house in case I needed to go pee where my diaper is in the hallway during the night. But now I have found a very fun thing to do...explore trash! Oh what fun that is, all I need to do is make a little hole at the bottom of the bag and scoop out anything I can find that catches my interest. And what did i do yesterday?
I woke Maja up at 5 am, with complaining and attention seeking, she woke up and we went to the bathroom, and much to her surprise she discovered what I have been up to. Ups! Busted!
She started laughing but then she realised that they were cleaning out some stuff from the fridge yesterday when they were baking pasteries and noticed I ate some old bread and an entire meat Burek!!! Burek is quite common pasterie origing from Turkish times, it's somewhat of a pie, made out of cheese, meat or potatos. They threw away a meat one, it's very greasy, very spiced and not a good idea to allow dog to eat. But I did, I could I was greasy, meaty and past the expiration date, what more can a naughty pup ask for? Haha. My tummy was like a little baloon and I had to drink every 5 minutes since that thing was so darn salty.
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Meat burek, kinda like the one I ate hihi |
Oh yes I forgot to mention, I have school again today, and owners are afraid I will have the runs when we are there, hahaha upsi. I love being a puppy in this house. Oh and yes, you know how cocker spaniels have really long ears and dip them into everything they smell or eat? Oh yes you guessed it, my ears are now disgustingly greasy and smell like trash, haha, teenage years are fun.
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Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Rabies shot, school and poop
Today is tuesday and I had school again, but before we go there, I need to tell about my week so far. Since we overdid it with Poli first day of school, I have been pooping quite runny so we decided not to do that again, haha. I had to take a bath on sunday, which is not fun! I don't like it...smells so...clean. But what has to be done has to be done. So I am now freshly bathed, combed, brushed, cut nails and clean ears...I don't like it hehe. Yesterday we went to the Vet and gotten the last shot, anti rabies, so we are now sorted for atleast half a year, no more poking! The damn shot itched like mad for a few minutes, but I had no contraindications what so ever, which is great, since usually if the reaction to the shot is bad, a dogs entire face swells up...eiiikkkk, not good. ;)
Now about school, second day and one new pup, some fluffy little thing that kept crying since all dogs around her were so much bigger, she did settle down eventually and I even sniffed her hihi (it's not allowed to sniff other dogs at fun!;)) At first I wasn't behaving to much, I didn't take interest in food (they boiled chicken files just for the occasion!), which was the first clue, second was I sniffed the floor like mad. And ofcourse after half an hour of being told not to sniff I complained and Maja got it...we ran like bullets to the section where dogs can pee and poop and I emptied myself and became a completely diffirent dog...yes I know, they did take me there before we started to do this things, but I was to busy sniffing other dog markings hihi. After that was done, we had a lot of fun, we worked and played and enjoyed the wet grass, weather has been so bad lately that it's rare if I'm not completely dirty. I got my anti worm pills just now and I am sleeping like a baby since I am exhausted. Here are some pics from Team Pascal hihi.
Now about school, second day and one new pup, some fluffy little thing that kept crying since all dogs around her were so much bigger, she did settle down eventually and I even sniffed her hihi (it's not allowed to sniff other dogs at fun!;)) At first I wasn't behaving to much, I didn't take interest in food (they boiled chicken files just for the occasion!), which was the first clue, second was I sniffed the floor like mad. And ofcourse after half an hour of being told not to sniff I complained and Maja got it...we ran like bullets to the section where dogs can pee and poop and I emptied myself and became a completely diffirent dog...yes I know, they did take me there before we started to do this things, but I was to busy sniffing other dog markings hihi. After that was done, we had a lot of fun, we worked and played and enjoyed the wet grass, weather has been so bad lately that it's rare if I'm not completely dirty. I got my anti worm pills just now and I am sleeping like a baby since I am exhausted. Here are some pics from Team Pascal hihi.
Magnus and me, looking pretty |
Heel walking, I am a good boy! |
Proudly doing my trophy run after playing |
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Friday, 3 September 2010
Puppy school
About fifteen minutes from the city lays a big fenced meadow, where the Kinology club is. They also train police dogs there and it's where Tara and Emma went to school also. Today was the first day of school for Lyra and me and our owners were a bit nervous. When we arrived Lyra started barking and ofcourse I had to join to tell the dogs I'm also here.
When we moved to the grass where the entire group works I settled down and behaved amazingly. I got compliments from the trainers about how well brought up I am and how much I already know for my age. I got so much treats, the owners bought this salami named Poli, especially for the school, so I get spoiled with a completely new treat.
We are going to attend the school on tuesdays and fridays and I have to admit it's really a lot of fun. Today we learned how to ignore the annoyingly barking chiuahua which was to dominant to join the group, the thing barked for an entire hour! We also saw a big helicopter fly above us, which wasn't a big deal and when people with dogs passed me by really close, I didn't pay much attention. I really made my owners proud, first day, nerves and new enviroment and this is how I behave...I think it's safe to say I will go a long way in doggy school if I keep this up.
When we moved to the grass where the entire group works I settled down and behaved amazingly. I got compliments from the trainers about how well brought up I am and how much I already know for my age. I got so much treats, the owners bought this salami named Poli, especially for the school, so I get spoiled with a completely new treat.
We are going to attend the school on tuesdays and fridays and I have to admit it's really a lot of fun. Today we learned how to ignore the annoyingly barking chiuahua which was to dominant to join the group, the thing barked for an entire hour! We also saw a big helicopter fly above us, which wasn't a big deal and when people with dogs passed me by really close, I didn't pay much attention. I really made my owners proud, first day, nerves and new enviroment and this is how I behave...I think it's safe to say I will go a long way in doggy school if I keep this up.
Team Pascal at the kinology club, Mags was taking the picture:) |
Sitting with the pack |
Walking around the pack |
Kissing Magnus in the car on the drive home |
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Wednesday, 1 September 2010
BBQ, Spot and school
This weekend was amazing, my owners sister had a birthsday party and all the family dogs and a lot of friends came. So much food and new things, I was confused at the start, but then I realised there is a secret room next to the kitchen where all the goodies are stored (food, snacks and bones which people didn't eat!!), ofcourse me being as cool as I am, I just had to sneak into that room and have myself a little bone while noone was watching hihi..I got caught tho:S...Shame;)
So many new tastes and new types of food, I stole as much as I could and took advantage of anything people gave me, which ofcourse lead to my tummy being a bit weird, but nothing a lot of grass didn't worth it;).
Spot is another dog I met there, he is a six months old shitsu mix, we wrestled all over the house and the outside, he is smaller then me but I did let him throw me on the back and nibble my ears. He was very gentle. People were very impressed by us dogs, especially the older ones Tara and Emma, there was about twentyfive people and kids running around, drinking, talking and all of us behaved and enjoyed the company, really beautiful party. My first party ever. I am a party animal hihi.
Today we payed for the school, which starts on friday, I don't know it yet but I am having a bath tomorrow...oh the joy:S, I apperently need to smell nice for all the new kids at school, where I will probably misbehave and have a lot of snacks and fun..Yay. More on that on friday:)
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Sophisticated look at the party (I am just...awesome;)) |
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